My son died 4 years ago. He was my only child. The anniversary of his death was last week. Someone (we’ll call her Mabel) that I am not terribly close to who has never lost a child said to me (as many people do) “I understand your pain”. As usual, I responded with “I hope you never understand my pain” but when Mabel continued to talk and compare the loss of her father to the loss of my son and that after a “few years it will get better,” I lost my temper and I was nasty to her. Now Mabel has told several people how I acted and one of those people has, very kindly, told me how much I had hurt Mabel’s feelings and I should apologize. I don’t feel as though I owe her an apology. As a matter of fact, I feel like MABEL owes ME an apology. What do you guys think? AITA?