I (F26) live with my partner, and have for a few years now. She suffers from insomnia, and struggles to get to sleep without methods to help, like having a video playing or answering questions.

It used to be that I would do BuzzFeed quizzes or look at TikToks with her, or just chat until she fell asleep. However, nowadays I work a full time warehouse job, 9:30-6, Monday to Saturday, and find myself utterly spent by the time I go to bed. I still try to chat and engage her so she can fall asleep, but I often find myself falling asleep mid convo first. This has been the cause of several arguments now. I have insisted she can have videos playing aloud if she needs it if I fall asleep, but she's refused that option when I've brought it up.

Most recently, last night I fell asleep pretty quickly, I don't even remember much from once I laid down. At about three in the morning we had an argument where I was asked if I was doing this on purpose and how it's effecting her sleep. Tonight I was in bed earlier than her, trying to get sleep for work as I work Saturdays, and she eventually joins me and asks me not to do it again tonight, despite a few weeks ago the same arguments leading her to saying I should go to bed earlier. While fighting to stay awake and strike conversation, she decided in annoyance that she didn't want to talk to me and told me to just go to sleep instead.

I'm just not sure if I'm being unreasonable here but I'm really upset and angry about this. I feel like I'm getting jerked around for falling asleep first when most nights I'm not trying to. I know insomnia is a harsh condition so I do feel bad when me falling asleep first stops her from falling asleep until like 4 in the morning; but, I also am sick of things like being kicked to the couch so she can sleep with space for the night, only to be told she didn't sleep well when I ask.

So, AITA for not helping my partner fall asleep?