From a business account! Good grief.

Your grandma would absolutely love some hand written letters about your life. Start there.

The Ministry of Truth supports your dedication. The extra round will be deducted from your annual pay. Thank you for your sacrifice for liberty.

 nothing I read sounded like entitlement

Personally, I am quite gifted creatively and do have an immense burden of fame

If OP could have just concentrated on meditation they'd be a household name instead of playing on the street. I'm all for manifestation, but YOWZERS.

This would save me from leaping off tall objects while trying to catch up with the team after being chased by a bile titan for five minutes.

Save all the evidence you have, make hard copies of it, also get it in the hands of your lawyer at another location. You were injured because of negligence, and fired as a result of injury. If the company can't afford insurance - you'll end up owning whatever assets they have remaining.

It sounds like they're desperate for cashflow and are making desperate decisions because the business is failing - there may not be assets to win in a courtcase. But there is definitely ample cause to get an attorney involved - you may also be able to make claims against their insurance (not health insurance, but other forms of business liability coverage) and possibly obtain assets directly from the owner (entirely depends on company structure).

Car accidents are long-term health events. My sister was in a bad accident and still suffers the effects of it decades later. Your company put you in a hazardous situation - so you need to be made whole and get enough money or enough support from them should injuries originating from your wreck surface at a later point in your life.

More hoard shooter types. Perhaps they need more organics for the cyborgs - so their bots are more about grapples rather than blasters/missiles/destructions.

How terrifying would it be to be picked up by one of these and "processed" - your team better free you before times up.

Only a selfish President would need the promise of immunity to make bold decisions on behalf of American citizens. The Supreme Court's argument that a President must be protected assumes that he doesn't have the countries best interest in mind. If there was every someone that needed to take one for the team - it's the highest elected official of the country.

That being said, nothing really is going to change. Nixon used the CIA to import drugs into inner cities to demonize an entire race - and nothing happened. The whole system is corrupt and has been for a long time.

I can't remember exactly how one of my business clients phrased it, but it was along the lines of:

I'm disappointed that you got married, you could have become a millionaire if you focused on your business instead.

In an effort to find missing classified materials believed to be in Trump's possession, I have ordered the army corps of engineers to begin exploratory excavations of all golf courses owned in whole or part by Mr. Trump.

If AH was a carpet installer - they'd ask for millimeter precision measurements of any room needing carpet and pre-cut it offsite. Then they'd be shocked it didn't fit properly. Every single thing they've done in this game engine makes it harder to fix. I doubt there's anyone that actually understands how damage is calculated. 3d models of actual bullet's inside the magazines?! Why do that to yourself - was there literally no other way to accomplish the goal?

It's a sign of architecture that was built to "do anything we may need to do in the future" with no consideration that "maintain the game" is one of those things. I've seen software developers do this exact thing with over abstraction - yes it can accomplish anything, but NO ONE KNOWS HOW.

I've done software development for almost 2 decades - AH needs an actual software architect to have some forward looking "how is this going to fuck us over next year" analysis on decisions. Perhaps with all that money they're rolling in they can start making better game artitecture decisions.

Keep in mind they may be willing to pay a premium to keep you away from the company - your point about being untouchable is a real liability for them.

Full back pay (based on last year's numbers/etc) since the incident and reinstatement as the minimum. Full year's salary would be a nice resolution which might be on the table.

The wholesale forgiveness of PPP loans was the cherry on top of the whole thing. I don't people realize that the US government paid almost everyone's salaries for months and then just was like - oh that wasn't a loan, nothing is owed.

We have full out debates about students loan forgiveness and how unfair it is, etc. - but the government just gave businesses free money to pay their staff and no one even noticed.


This is exactly how the Paycheck protection program was designed to operate. Your neighbor used the program within the guides of how it was written - he kept the business open and employees employed. The PPP was a massive transfer of public funds to private businesses. It is among the most corrupt pieces of legislation passed during covid - and really highlights how the US government thinks of "job creators" vs "citizens." Citizens couldn't be trusted to receive money directly from the government, and the stimulous checks there were sent have been singled out as the reason for inflation and the attitude of "nobody wants to work" .The PPP was a prime example of the best of capitalism - we cut checks directly to companies to "pay their payroll" and know the money is well spent because we can trust companies and business leaders - but certainly not normal people. /s

PPP was insane. I don't think you have any claim here. I honestly don't think this guy did anything wrong in how PPP was written - he'll just say that the trucks were a capital expense, everyone still got paid, and his business is open/expanding because of the PPP. Adding two fleet vehicles to a pest control agency during Covid would be considered a success in terms of how this money was used.

At the end of the day, the US government (you and I) paid your neighbor 290k to keep operating his business normally. Which he did. We paid the bill for all his employees salaries, and because his business costs were reduced by $290k, he was able to expand with new trucks.

If this makes you mad, then you need to get engaged in politics - because there is CLEARLY a difference of how those with money and those without are treated.


You aren't designing a website at the point - you're designing an entire sales funnel that has a STRONG possibilitiy of being ignored when the person eventually does the transaction in person. I wouldn't trust that the company would actually pay commissions - they'd start arguing that their sales people were the ones that actually made the sale or the commission should be split, etc.

You'd have to design some sort of affiliate/code/discount system to even get people that "saw the carpet online" to mention it. Along with a very strong contract with the company.

Overall, this is a lot of work with almost no payout. Would you be willing to work in their store, full-time, selling carpets on a commission only basis?

Typically the only time you take work for commission in the web world is when the transaction is digital and you're in control of how you, as an affiliate, market the product.

I would politely decline.

It would be cool to have different types of ammo. For realism sake - they need to be the same bullet, just programmed different when they leave the gun.

Airburst proximity (2m from target)
Explode on contact
Delayed burrowing explosive

Would love some more options in the reload menu!

Headshotting a titan with an OPS is joy inducing. I got three chargers with one. It's glorious.

Coverage through Cigna via my employer.
Insurance for myself and domestic partner: $158 per week (employer covers $105 in additional costs)

In Network: $750/pp, $1500/family
Out Network: $1500/pp, $3000/family

Out of pocket max:
In: $4500/pp, $9000/family
Out: $10000/pp, $20000/family

In: $25 / $50 (specialists)
Out: 50% after deductible

In: $25/office, $0 Outpatient
Out: $25/office, 50% outpatient

In: $400 (ER), $50 (Urgent), $0 (online)
Out: $400 (ER), 50% after deductible (urgent care), online not covered.

In: 20% after deductible
Out: 50% after deductible

In: $15 (generic), $50 (preferred), $90 (non-preferred), Speciality ($250)
Out: 50% of list price

$8,216 per year in just health insurance premiums.

WebDev is hurt by the drastic shifts into pre-processing, frameworks, and microservice architecture. Back in the day you could make a banger website in a few hours and FTP it onto a server. Now you have 1,700 packages to install, need to build a distribution, and have about 50 technologies to learn.

I've been doing this since 1998 - it's gotten way, way worse. The app's are fancier - but most of them do absolutely nothing special - just display content.

Bro, you live in a country with some of the STRONGEST data privacy laws in existence. Meet with your local GDPR representative and nail that AI to a digital cross.

You're confusing virtue for wealth. DeVos is in the wealth game - nothing else matters. The people around her are also in the wealth game, so your hang-up on moral, fairness, or equality isn't a factor that crosses their minds. These people get off on the thought of a person needing a second job to live in one of their buildings.

Pelosi has a been an elected representive since 1987. She has been a woman of the people - just like us. She has sacrificed so much for us in her role as a public servant. Only chosing to make hundreds of millions of dollars through corruption - unlike her more uncivilized peers, such as Ted Cruz, who feast on the flesh of their constitutes.