During Covid my neighbor got 290k on Aug. 3, 2021. He owns a pest control company, and told all of his employees that they are an essential business, so nobody was laid off or anything, and he kept running his business like normal.

None of the 290k went to his employees, instead he used it to buy 3 new trucks for the company. I went to a cookout he hosted for his 25 employees last year and most of them don't like the way he runs the company, and apparently he's skimping on the paychecks as well.

My question: Was this fraud? I heard if you report fraud you can get like 10% of the money reclaimed. I looked up the company on the ppp loan website and he indeed get the money, but it never went to employees.

Should i submit a fraud claim and try to get 30k for myself (whistleblower payment)