Went over to my friends' houses, swam in my pool, had pool parties, went out on LOTS of dates, still trolled the mall, but laughed at the high schoolers, met up with friends at college or met up for movies and dinner, went mini-golfing, rode my bike, yakked on the phone, read a lot of books and wrote short stories.

Hey, you might want to get some new windshield wipers.

Just posted the video link.

Hi, straight ally here. I am so very sorry you live in a country that doesn't recognize your rights. I wish there was something I could do for you. Is there a way you can save up money and escape to seek asylum somewhere?

That ruling ruined my birthday forever. I remember reading about the ruling being just absolutely depressed and disgusted for the rest of the day, to the point I wanted no birthday cake or any kind of celebration. I was numb for days after. And I'm post-menopausal.

I feel lucky to live in a blue state, but what if the GOP somehow wins in November? My daughter's life will literally be in danger. And that's the thing that worries me the most, along with all the others whose health and lives are at risk (or who have already died) because of this. SCOTUS is illegitimate.

No. Why would I want to follow a jealous, hateful, narcissist? Been there, done that, never again.

Gotta give props to the kids trying to be better people, even if they're technically incorrect.

I just spent $90 on an air fryer oven with a dehydrate function so I can cook more cool stuff at home. Already have an Instant Pot and a KitchenAid mixer, so now I feel like my kitchen is finally complete.

Not to be nitpicky, but shit in German is Scheisse (die Scheiße).

And it's actually not derived from a German word for Jews, so you are fine using it. It's derived from a German word, meaning "worthless person."


This is true. But it's a fine line between not caring what people think and behaving like total dick and claiming, "I'm old, I can do what I want!"

NTA. Jenny needs to be kicked out and put into therapy. I would take this up with the counselor's boss, because this boy clearly doesn't care about kids' safety.

I never saw my dad without his beard, either. So when I saw pictures of him as a young man without a beard, I realized I have his chin.

Oh, honey, I highly recommend watching The Next Generation. You will love it once you get past the cheesy first season.

My kid's first best friend was held back a year. She turned seven during the second semester of kindergarten.

Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. Holding one son back like that will do more harm than good.

I think your wife needs to be evaluated for PPD or something because this is not normal behavior. I would consider talking to her pre-natal doctor about this and see what they suggest.

Lying to kids has tremendously negative mental effects. Even small things can set your kids up for a lifetime of distrust and anxiety. I mean, my dad put down my beloved dog when I was six years old. He told me he was taking her for a ride, and then came home without her. I never got to say goodbye. In the greater scheme of things, it was a small transgression, but I never forgave him for lying to me about it. And when I grew up, I learned that he and my mother had lied about a number of things.

Don't lie to your kids. Period. Something this significant will cause resentment and anger for everyone involved.

I wonder what all the replies to this were. I feel sorry for her daughter.

Also, my wife has anxiety issues, and struggles to sleep without me beside her. I literally have to be touching her back for her to fall asleep properly. We haven't been apart for a single night in at least a decade because of this. So I suppose I will always serve that purpose in out relationship.

This just proves how important to her you are. You may think that your contributions are negligible but you mean enough to her that she needs you there to help her fall asleep. That's true love.