It's also how many times people cried wolf. I can't make heads or tails out of what is real in your country. Just a single example is the overturning of Roe v Wade. I thought abortion became illegal throughout the United States because that was what MSNBC told be. Meanwhile it just turned the law from the federal level back to the state level. The amount of National wide and International misinformation that comes from the United States is astounding.

As an outsider I find this amount of copium insane. Biden shows classic signs of dementia like being easily confused, stuttering, jumbled speech and long vacant blank faced stares. I would like to see both candidates replaced for your own sakes.

That's a step in the right direction. Be who you wanna be in your adult life but kids are idiots. I wanted to be a Spy Kid so bad I cried. Kids are idiots. Now when you're an adult having to pay out of pocket will be the ones who are absolutely certain this is what they need.

Welcome to the echo chamber. I'm not for the guy but if you don't say he's a fascist nazi racist child rapist in your comment you get downvoted.


Yes to your questing but noop

Noop noop noop

My biggest lasting problem is an inability to love, trust or rely on anyone. Grew up never know what version of mom I was going to come home to or wake up to. It was either "I love you bunny" or "you know you're a piece of shit right?". In high school and entering the workforce I was alone. I stopped asking for rides or help because I didn't want her to get another DUI. She would often call me at my pizza job to remind me that I'm useless.

I tried to date in early adulthood but my lack love as a child made it impossible for me to connect with a woman. It's true what they say about needing your abuser, it took me until I was 30 to finally cut ties her. She still reaches out with apologies and promises on her short term bouts of sobriety and I will never respond.

Never pissed the bed but my dreams are all about how great it would feel to piss right now. I wake up and sometimes sprint to the bathroom with a free climbers grip on my cock hold my foreskin closed.

Yes it is American. If it wasn't there would only be one in every city population 50k+ and only Asian immigrants would eat there.

No it is not possible. I know this because I used to fast for long periods of time. Longest was 11 days until I got hungry. In those 11 days the only thing aside from water I had was 2 cups of black coffee before work. Took a few days to clear the system completely but day 4-11 I still had my same morning bowel movement of jet black sludge from the coffee.

It's hilarious how every single person here if the roles were reversed would be calling OPs friend a vile discusting pedophile who should be outed by OP to his parents, the girls parents, the school and the police.

Jesus was white and enjoyed mayonnaise. He acted differently around his apostles but when he was alone he would tap his heel snap his fingers and hum the beach boys. He just had a good tan because he wanted to surf USA

The only compliment I've ever had was a random woman late 20's that I walked past. "I like your beard". Something that simple boosted my confidence for weeks.

I'm annoyed that her political views were a talking point on reddit yesterday. The girl likes to suck cock who gives a fuck who she's voting for. There are people on here that didn't watch the debate but got into an argument on a reddit thread about this lubricant dispensers political views. I'm not even from your country.

I hate meme culture and viral fame in general.

You can say this about so many actors. They are charismatic but they usually fail at inserting themself in another person's shoes. There's a word for that... fuck, tip of my tongue.

You're forgetting the most atrocious thing. That lazy fuck Grandpa Joe. The guy is 'bed ridden' and a financial burden to his impoverished family until there's a +1 to a fantastical adventure. What a cunt.