In your words you think "teaching the concept" will dissuade "an adult preying on someone young". You're a fucking idiot, and a hysterical one at that.

some bullshit they imagined in their silly little heads.

1 half of the population think they have a right to rape us.

but what would the harm be to still teach the concept?

If you're actually asking? It's likely to foment resentment among many of the non-rapists for being treated as presumptive criminals. Let's also teach black people not to mug – it's just building awareness about the consensual transfer of goods.

So funny how you have no problem with the idea that all women through virtue of ‘owning’ their sexuality are responsible for someone else raping them.

I said nothing remotely similar to that, that's your lunatic ravings.

1 half of the population think they have a right to rape us.

Wow, I didn't know that about all men. Those guys must suck!

Imagine if, to put it as crudely as possible, instead of telling white peoples not to beat black people, we just told black people to fear and be wary of white people. There was once a time where this was a reality. For some reason, violence towards women is seen as an inevitable essential part of society.

This is such a weird example because, quite unironically, white and Asian people are just told to fear and be wary of black people because crime committed by them is an inevitable essential part of (urban) society. Or in your terms, "13% of the population think they have a right to mug us."


This is a weird take because why are you arguing against telling men not to rape.

"Teach men not to rape" has always been a weird framing because those who will take the "teaching" to heart largely won't need it, and those who need it largely won't take it to heart. It's not totally worthless, it may prevent some of the college-style edge cases where a guy is too aggressive and doesn't take no for an answer, but treating it as a substantial solution to the "rape question" is kind of absurd. The guy who kidnaps a woman at a bar or molests a family member isn't going to be deterred by teaching him that rape is wrong.

Can't believe that when he went to Houston he refused to have his dick sucked by white people

They can't be all bad, buggery is named after them

Nooses in particular seem to be more of a fixation among black people than among white racists. I'm sure some hicks were using them in earnest back in the day, but every time I've heard of noose symbolism in a contemporary context it's been a hoax or false alarm.

I had a brief experience like this at Wal-Mart a couple weeks ago: my cashier was strikingly pretty and also the lowest-functioning employee I've ever seen. She was seemingly non-verbal, she would pause and stare off into the distance every few seconds, and she had a blue balloon tied to her shoulder – presumably to help find her if she wandered off. She provoked a mix of feelings that's hard to describe.

Replacing her with another black woman would look so tokenistic that it would be almost as bad as replacing her with someone not a black woman. There's truly no good option.

The funny thing is that They Live missed the mark on antinatalism ("MARRY AND REPRODUCE"). It was just a little too early to be hip to the "just import endless Third Worlders" doctrine that would characterize later neoliberalism.

If you had much experience with health care you'd know there are quality differences among "qualified" doctors. The cold reality is that you can have affirmative action or you can have black doctors be respected, you can't have both


Actually the boomercons have started to like Maher – he's frequently cited on Fox News as an "old-school liberal" who's willing to stick it to the wokes (even though he still thinks Trump is basically Hitler). Like with friend group litmus tests irl, the vibe is that libs ask for everything and cons will take anything

Imagine if some guy in China just started adding "Asian" to every insult

Bae caught me toobin'

My friends and I used to go around campus and pick up abandoned doordash and uber eats orders and feast. Did have some very nice (although cold) chinese food this way

Sometimes I feel like Rip van Winkle trying to understand this world. Why/how do people order food and then abandon it? What is going on?

I doubt that would've worked either. Their problem is that Trump is legitimately funny but their hatred of him prevents them from admitting it, so they've set themselves the impossible task of parodying a comedian while pretending that he's not one