I lost 30 lbs this year (170lbs to 140lbs) and i thought u guys would get a kick out of shit I used to do at BMI 29

  1. My friends and I used to go around campus and pick up abandoned doordash and uber eats orders and feast. Did have some very nice (although cold) chinese food this way

  2. Steal and binge on leftover food in the communal dorm fridges - I felt bad about it though and would always wait until the food was at least a week old. It was always old and gross but I didn’t care

  3. Whenever I visited the vending machine I would have to get a minimum of five things (usually two bags of hot chips, two candy bars, and a DIET coke - because of health)

  4. Go to dessert in the campus cafeteria was a to-go coffee cup filled to the brim with ice cream. That was not enough however - I would then take two brownies and mix them in. I would do this minimum 5 times a week

  5. I would regularly go 3+ days without eating any vegetables or fruit

  6. Get blackout (usually on beatboxes) on weekends and would wake up surrounded by chip and candy packets that i had no memory of eating the night before

  7. would go to costco with my roommate and get those giant bags of potato chips - would usually finish them in 4 days

  8. Would eat minimum 4 packets of instant ramen whenever I made it

  9. One time i ordered a medium pepperoni pizza, cheesy bread, and chocolate lava cake from dominos and ate it within an hour. Wasn’t even drunk or anything, just stressed and depressed about schoolwork.

  10. would binge sleeves of oreos in the bathroom at work during my breaks because I was too embarrassed to do it in front of my coworkers.