Also, yes, as of about a month ago, I have the therapist of my dreams.

Thx for response! I think deep down I’m nervous about having flashbacks again. Like I became low key scared of myself after a while. Now I seem to be avoiding being present in my body as much as possible. That ties into taking care of myself and feeling good (all of which I haven’t been doing). I’m scared they’ll start happening again I soon as I let go and let myself just feel and just be.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting the time into your response! I appreciate every word and piece of insight + advice! Much of what you said was really affirming and/or clarifying. 💙

Also, any specific videos you recommend or personally really find helpful? I’ve looked something along those lines up before but didn’t what I was looking at lol or which to trust.

Thx sm for sharing. I resonate with this whilst currently struggling with repressed memories and I’m trying to stop chasing them and going into survival mode after my last flashback but trying to trust instead that they will continue to come back to me in time. Idk how to do that - to trust that it will happen and to just feel whole with all that I know I am, all that I feel and all that I have so if you have any advice plz share. 💙

I feel the same way about newly resurfaced memories that I’d been suppressing my entire life telling/showing me that I’d experienced CSA. It’s like they’re lodged inside me and always there but I can’t readily access them myself. I chase them now but I’m so in my head and they’re mostly somatic I believe. Plus, they seem to only come up when being ‘pulled out’ by something outside of myself or when I’m feeling attacked or triggered or when I witness or experience things that feel subconsciously intrusive and violating. I’m not sure what to do but hoping to talk about it more with my new therapist tmrw.

I’d also be really curious to know how y’all who have incomplete memories and experience sporadic flashbacks get on with - life? Like how do I just accept where I’m at and feel whole and able to be present and engage fully with my life? I’ve kind of just been in a depressive and dissociative haze since having the full body flashback and unable to concentrate or think seriously about anything else. I get so uneasy anytime I relax and find I can’t put it out my mind, let alone loosen its grip. I’ve also convinced myself that my uprightness and obsession is why the memories haven’t been as forthcoming. A lot of them are somatic/physical and I’m in my head so much more since having the flashback.

For further context, I’m someone who also fears being perceived and in a sexual context, gets really (physically) sick/ill when I’m being watched by men/boys in a sexual/attracted way or can easily feel like this is happening to me when I’m watching it play out in front of me (including when I’m watching it in a film or series); it feels like I’m being preyed upon.

I’m also terrified of the reality of physical intimacy with males; I’ve struggled with intrusive thoughts all my life; I’m also incredibly sensitive and can get nauseas when I’m scared but the kind of nausea I get when I’m sexually scared somehow manages to be felt in my chest as well as abdomen and sends a sensation down my arms and legs that resembles worms crawling over my skin.

I can get really scared, sick, numb, or sensitive when I’m wearing form fitting clothes in front of others and tend to feel more comfortable in gender neutral and loose clothing when in public and especially if I’m being triggered.

In these memories, I don’t feel like a girl or a woman. I feel like something lesser and smaller and stranger. Neither here nor there; as though the situation, the person, &/or the harm itself made me feel deeply dehumanized.

I also have ADHD (undiagnosed for most of my life until recently) and potentially ASD (I suspect).

Repressed memories; how to know if you’ve been molested without having any clear memories of it that you can readily access?Memories

Hey y’all! So about a year ago I started having flashbacks of CSA that I’d experienced at a really young age (like 3-4 yrs old). They started off being solely somatic (no imagery) and felt like intense nausea, fear, &/or panic usually triggered by seeing guys that reminded me of the perpetrator(s) that I couldn’t explicitly remember. It was also often triggered by certain types of music - any songs that were too fast, overstimulating, or sexual. Though I had no explicit recollection in my mind of what exactly had happened to me - I just somehow knew during the flashbacks that it was without a doubt CSA (the feeling of being preyed upon, being pinned down, etc.). About a month or two later I had a full body flashback which paralyzed me from the head down and included a flashing image of an older kid hovering over me partly naked. I remember feeling paralyzed with terror and deep disgust and certain aspects of the imagery stood out or gripped me more than others; for some reason his nakedness was almost muted in my mind and all I could focus on was his face. His eyes in particular-they seemed so big and dark. Anyway, it’s been almost a year. I haven’t had another flashback like that, only the occasional somatic ones like before. This trauma, these memories have never before made themselves known to me and now it’s all I think about it. It haunts me and it’s so frustrating because I feel like I don’t know or remember enough to have the right to say I was raped or molested and yet I’ve felt more than enough to know that I was. It just feels so distant and unreal (until I’m having flashbacks) and I wish these memories weren’t so buried and didn’t feel so detached from myself. It’s almost as if they are memories from a different self (like I’m split inside myself).

Hope that made sense but basically I was hoping for some insight or advice. 💙

Looking for the song in the new McDonald’s Apple TV spot commercial ‘the coolest kid’

This feels so random but does anyone know the song playing in the recent McDonald’s ‘coolest kid’ commercial? hasn’t identified yet but I’m still hopeful cuz it’s a nice tune.

Can’t seem to find this reoccurring song from the series!

Does anyone know the name of the song/track that plays constantly throughout the series during scenes specifically with Mary in her moments of power? Examples include when she returned to save Catherine before she left for Scotland as well as right after she was assaulted and Catherine was reassuring her of her power and her need to put on a strong face. It also plays in season 1 when she’s talking to the Scottish lords and they kneel in acceptance of the favor she asked them in the name of her father.


Hi there! I also want to know what classifies as assault? I’m a survival of CSA too but am still in the process of recovering my memories for the first time. When I first started getting flashbacks, I thought it was assault but after learning from my mother that I’d gotten ‘exams’ by the doctor as a kid and my hymen was still ‘intact’ after that period of time, I was convinced that penetration at least could not have occurred. The biggest struggle here ofc is that I have holes in my memory and don’t recall the entire thing. But the physical and somatic trauma from it that still sits in my body is so specific and scary that I’m still quite confused. Guess I’m just wondering if assault can also occur in different ways? I.e, not penetrative or physically violent. Idk, I’m so confused.