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Why is Conde always making that face

the frowning, mouth slightly open combo


I'm so confused. Why did they cast a 45 year old woman to play a 20 year old character? It makes absolutely no sense. Shes... 4 years younger than Catherine's actress and she's supposed to be younger than Francis.

Why? Why would they do this? What were the showrunners thinking? Lol

Also a side question: do we see Greer react to Leith's death at any point?

Side question 2: if Leeza is married to King Philip... why didn't they go that route when Mary needed support from Spain? Why the whole Don Carlo debacle?

Life of the Castle Servants in 1558

Sometimes I think I hate my job but then I remember 500 years ago these people were working for a queen whom would threaten to burn down their families homes if one of 100 servants betrayed her and didn’t admit it. At least my boss wouldn’t do that.

But in the show, as well as real life what was their lives like?

People tend to forget if we lived back then we would be like a servant. A very tiny percentage of people were royalty.

Did the servants just randomly get selected or was a nepotism thing? Did they have quarters on the castle grounds? Did they ever earn extra money aside from working for food and shelter?

I’m great full to not be a Castle Servant in 1558 (though it was perhaps better than working in a small town, or rurally)

I love learning about Kings and Queens of that time, but I think some tv should be made about the bulk of the population, whom were peasants not queens.

Who is the most underestimated character?

I like watching Lola outsmart Narcis in the bathtub scene when she pays a servant to bath instead of her!

Greer is also very industrious when she is running the brothel

Mary Talking About FrancisSpoiler

Does anyone know of any times in reign where mary talked about francis after his death? Like, times where she thought about him and it made her sad? It's for an edit. Thank youu

UPDATE: l Love Lola

I'm done with season 1 and some things have changed. at first i loved bash but then he just got too intense like get a hint man... lol. dick move going after your brother's fiancee to begin with. at first he was cute but then he started giving me the ick.

speaking of intense guys... ugh Leith. I hate him. he's so pushy and so stalkery and keeps trying to ruin Greer's life. gross

Kenna I started to like a bit more. She's really observant and people definitely underestimate her intelligence. I hated the pairing with Bash but it's kinda cute how they're working on their marriage. they seem to have some chemistry.

I feel bad they killed the Blonde one in the group. Aylee? i can't remember her name. She was cute and ditzy and more innocent and less broody than the rest of them. balanced them out

alright... Lola... although it is extremely shitty she slept with Francis... i mean that is a LOW BLOW and i dont know if i would forgive her like mary seems to be doing. i would hate her if i was mary. but she did try to keep it a secret and have an abortion. and then she kept trying to find a husband or another way to go away to stay out of mary and fancis' way. i liked that a lot. and then she helped "lord julian" . honestly i still love her even though she made a huge mistake.

catherine is badass. henry is a dumbass.


Ps: no spoilers please

I love Lola!

I just started Reign and I love how down to earth she is. She has this air of quiet confidence. And she's so sweet when she is helping bash, and gets a crush on him. Then he says he flirts with everyone right in front of her... and you can see how her face changes. I've definitely been there... lol

Plus she is sooo gorgeous. All of Mary's ladies are. And of course Mary is too.

I love this show so far. The dresses are to die for.

Ranga Queen ? Why no wig.

Given how extraordinary the costumes and designs were…. I understand that reign is loosely historically accurate. many of the events in the show actually did happen but a lot of it is dramatised. Despite this, I personally feel one of the factors in the entire show that would have been the most easy to get historically accurate … was to make Queen Mary or Scots… A REDHEAD! Is that not literally one of her most defining features, historically. I absolutely adore Adelaide’s natural hair. I am in love with her hair and it’s stunning. But I don’t know why didn’t they dye or give her wig? they had so many extravagant costumes literally five different costumes every single episode and all of them were just extraordinary I don’t think it would’ve been that much harder to get her a wig or to dye her hair or something? To make her more Mary queen of Scot’s like? Honestly didn’t bother me that much but I just think it’s a little bit weird but the whole show is about Mary Queen of Scots but her most defining feature they overlooked

My Lady Jane: An All-New Series on Amazon Prime!

I thought I would share this with the group. It looks like a very fun new series coming out that fans of reign would love. I know i am excited to check it out!

I was today years old when I found out Nostradamus is the son of President Snow

Donald Sutherland aka President Snow died today (rest in peace to him) and I’m just now finding out he’s the father to Rossif Sutherland (Nostradamus)

Who has the best chemistry in the show??

I am rewatching season 1. Bash and Kenna have such good chemistry. What do you think?

Reign Trivia…last one tonight hehe

What was Cathrine’s group of spies called?

Reign Trivia!

What was Leith and Greer’s nickname for Lord Castleroy?

Reign Trivia!

How does Cathrine escape from the tower? And with who’s help?

Reign Trivia!

How many Scottish county men did Catharine kill after Mary had told them about the secret wedding contract?

What was even Reign season 2?Spoiler

I binge watched season 1 because it was interesting. Then came season 2. They could've written sexual trauma in a much much better way. Mary not wanting to be anywhere near Francis was understandable but the whole infidelity storyline with Condae was extremely distasteful. It's weird that she can just fall in and out of love with people (first Bash and then Condae). At least with Bash it made sense that she was trying to accept her fate and giving him a chance.


SPOILERS hello everyone it is 1am almost and I just finished watching the entire show. It was a fantastic show. But I’m sorry. WHY DID THEY END IT LIKE THAT WHY DID THEY CUT IT SHORT how the hell did they just go from Darnley being murdered to 21 YEARS LATER AS IF THEY JUST SKIPPED ALL THAT they could have gone on for SEASONS. The end especially the go all two season WERE SO RUSHED I AM SO ANNOYED BECAUSE IT WAS SO GOOD AND THERE WAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL. SO MANY SUB PLOTS TO BE DEVELOPED. SO MUCH TO BE EXPLORED. I WAS AMSWERS. The last episode was so chaotic. WHY DID THEY DO THAT I AM SO UPSEY AND I AM CRYING AT THE END MONTAGE IT WAS SO SAD AND I CRY. I hate John Knox and I hate Darnley and I hate everyone also that random threesome with the witch devil lady was so random I was laughing. JUSTICE FOR CLAUDE. JUSTICE FOR LEITH (it was so out of character for him to marry someone else? That was so rushed? There was so much potential? What even was that? I am so annoyed) I AM SO ANNOYED

Give me show recs

Just wrapped up the show in about a month. Most days I would watch 2-3 while 1 day I watched as much as 8. It has been a rollercoaster. Got any show recommendations that have the same level of drama?