Hey y’all! So about a year ago I started having flashbacks of CSA that I’d experienced at a really young age (like 3-4 yrs old). They started off being solely somatic (no imagery) and felt like intense nausea, fear, &/or panic usually triggered by seeing guys that reminded me of the perpetrator(s) that I couldn’t explicitly remember. It was also often triggered by certain types of music - any songs that were too fast, overstimulating, or sexual. Though I had no explicit recollection in my mind of what exactly had happened to me - I just somehow knew during the flashbacks that it was without a doubt CSA (the feeling of being preyed upon, being pinned down, etc.). About a month or two later I had a full body flashback which paralyzed me from the head down and included a flashing image of an older kid hovering over me partly naked. I remember feeling paralyzed with terror and deep disgust and certain aspects of the imagery stood out or gripped me more than others; for some reason his nakedness was almost muted in my mind and all I could focus on was his face. His eyes in particular-they seemed so big and dark. Anyway, it’s been almost a year. I haven’t had another flashback like that, only the occasional somatic ones like before. This trauma, these memories have never before made themselves known to me and now it’s all I think about it. It haunts me and it’s so frustrating because I feel like I don’t know or remember enough to have the right to say I was raped or molested and yet I’ve felt more than enough to know that I was. It just feels so distant and unreal (until I’m having flashbacks) and I wish these memories weren’t so buried and didn’t feel so detached from myself. It’s almost as if they are memories from a different self (like I’m split inside myself).

Hope that made sense but basically I was hoping for some insight or advice. 💙