“It’s a small step from ham to bacon, and pretty soon TOMATOES ARE BEING SLAUGHTERED IN THE STREETS!!!”

(Brought to you by the “No More BLTs Coalition - Making The World A Safer Place For Bacon, Lettuce, AND Tomatoes Of All Varieties And Kinds”)

Perhaps you’re over-thinking this. Ankh-Morpork is neither the US nor the United Kingdom.

In the US? HAH!

Some “rest home” until you’ve burned through all your money and then, to paraphrase Dickens: “Are there no doorways? Are there no bridges..?” ☹️

“The best part of waking up
Is CumBeanz in your cup!”

In the case of a guy who joined our campaign for one session - be a jerk whose character threatened another character in the party.

❄️⛄️❄️Fashion intern❄️⛄❄️

Grumpy Bohemians

Nah. You just get chundering drunk on a sickly-sweet cocktail.

Who cares? Gay, straight, or bi, the dudes still a misogynistic arsewipe.

Well, ye’ll have less’n if ye shaves yer dome, ya boggin!

Coulda been. That was 50+ years ago and details like make or model have long since faded away.

Great cartoon about COVID and how evil all the vaccine proponents are!

Excuse me? “Evil?”, you ask?

Well, sure! If they’d crawled off the tracks/gotten the shot they wouldn’t have gone to see God!

Hallelujah! Praise Jeebus! 🙄