Who wouldn’t want to respond by dropping your pants and replying by moving your butt cheeks as a mouth “Howdy howdy howdy neighbor, only way you can come in our backyard is to pucker up and kiss me!”

Hilarious, but not how things work irl.

Low quality chicken, it’s not good at all

Yeah that garlic Cholula is the stuff!

Yes but it’s none of your business. Seriously. I don’t care if your a mom/dad, a crush, a spouse, a friend… Nunya Biddness! Leave them be. Their body. No shame.

This isn’t about “turning”, Boomers were always this way. They didn’t shift, just a selfish generation getting older.

Gen X, they’re pretty chill. Sure getting older and will get a little grumpy (seeing the specter of death approaching does that to some people). But they are going to be who they are (sans a surprise change in personality).

I’d be totally ok with them abusing a little power on him.

24, in 1995.

Just graduated 3 months earlier from college which was an easy commute from home (22 miles). I paid a small amount of rent to my parents the last 2-3 years.

Never went back. (Well kind of but it was for 3 months between old lease and moving 700 miles away).

I’m fortunate to have supportive parents (dad and step mom) and have always gotten along with them.

We sort.

Whites, Mediums, Darks, Cold, towels, sheets, dog stuff. Sometimes Athletics - teen in two sports… Red if we have enough.

Sure we mix a little. But how I learned and with a teen that we have to check the pockets of , already handling most pieces.

This is the same generation that worried about chain letters…

No. My dog is socially inept. She thinks all dogs want to be her best friend and does not understand aggression at all.

Four years old. Goes to a doggie daycare for boarding/socialization several times a year. Meets dogs on walks. Just, doesn’t get it.

I travel the US for work a little bit. Not been to OKC but can say my opinion is large coast cities are big and have so many unique options.

The Midwest, is malls, chain restaurants and a sea of bland food/activities.

Sure, you can find exceptions and gems. But it’s the options/variety the middle lacks.

It’s not bad, don’t get me wrong but it is boring compared to the coastal states/cities.

Hey neighbor, when we’re in our backyard- this is our time alone as a couple. Appreciate it.
(Assuming he leaves).

If not, “hey, another time. Happy to talk to you when I’m out front and free.”

I love all the other suggestions but end of the day you have to live next to him in the real world.

Add some glaze!

13 is the magic number.

Move here before 13 years old, no accent.

Move her after 13 years old, accent.

It’s documented, studies since the 1980s. Sure there are exceptions, so please spare me you Reddit “but but but my grandma was 12 and…”. But the wild majority of accents stick around the older you are.


Add in a “omg I’m so sorry but you’ve aged/gained so much weight” as the reason. Ka-boom!

Rue Cler Marketplace is a little fancy and excellent (manager is such a nice guy). Brunch was really good.

Delicious, it’s not fancy and sometimes the service is kooky as hell (which we love) but the food is great.

I tolerate fresh tomatoes, abhor sun dried. Just as op says. Overpowering and ruin everything.

I’ll dip artichoke leaves in mayo, how my parents taught me. That’s about it.

If any flak comes your way “My friend got towed a few weeks ago, was trying to help.” Walk away.

Pass a measure to terminate the HOA

I think you follow all those who have come before you…make this go away.

Never think of it again.

Delete this post.

Your parents don’t have sex.

Never open their door w/o knocking.

Sunshine and rainbows. Butter flies and candy canes. Happy thought, happy thoughts…

Gear, minor league coaches, backyard cages. None of that matters. Rich, poor doesn’t matter either. Sure the wealthy kids might have some nicer looking stuff. But drive and ability are what matters.

If the kid has some modicum of ability and puts in the work; they’ll find a way.

Those wealthy families will spend all that time and money on travel ball and only the kids who have the drive and desire to succeed will. All those fancy tools just feed into daddy’s missed dreams 99% of the time.

What’s worse the cheap wealthy friend? Or the friend who expects the rich person to pick up their tab?

Pay your own way. Keep it even on taking turns. If out with 12 people and 1 person orders soup, be conscious and have them pay just their portion. Also, find a circle of friends who are like minded.

It gets easier as you get older.