I have been very low contact with my mom for about a year and a half. Before that we had been full NC for five years. I have seen her in-person 3 times in 6 1/2 years. Once was meeting her for coffee, once was her coming to a therapy session and once was at my daughter's volleyball game. You can guess that on top of being a run-of-the-mill boomer she is maladjusted, as a whole, evidenced by the NC and VLC. Each time (3) I have seen my mom she looks right at me with a blank look, walks past me and until I address her. At that point she clutches her pearls with startle, takes a longer look at me and says, " Oh, it's you. I didn't recognize you." Picture her walking into a therapist's office where I am THE ONLY PERSON THERE and she does this. What and idiotic cunt. Any fun guesses about wtf this behavior is? I largely don't give her much thought but this bizarre behavior intrigues me a bit.