We moved here last year and promptly learned that our backyard neighbor is a Boomer's Boomer. Entitled, self-centered, sexist (more subtle than some), racist (ditto on the subtlety), and just overall not a pleasant person and definitey not someone we want to spend time with.

Many times when my husband and I would try to sit outside on a nice Summer evening to enjoy time ALONE together, he'd saunter down the small hill from his house to our patio and intrude on our peace. We were nice at first (new to the neighborhood plus he did give some info about the history of our home that seemed potentially useful) but his personality became apparent pretty quickly.

We contracted to have a fence put in as soon as we could but it didn't get in until nearly the end of the Summer. Being in the Upper Midwest, that means now is the first time since it was in we've really had the opportunity to test it. It doesn't seem to be working as well as we'd hoped.

Long-story-short, just today he saw my husband out doing some yard work, mentioned something to him that he had mentioned to both of us the other night that we did NOT want to engage with him on (apparently he called the cops on some "suspicious" people in our neighborhood- context clues suggest they weren't quite white in his eyes 🙄). We have told him before how offensive we find these types of assumptions. Anyway, having already heard his rant the other night, my husband was dismissive and went back to his yard work - Boomer declares he'll come talk with us when he sees us "doing nothing" by the fire pit on our patio. Boomer walked away before Husband had a chance to say something like, "Dude - we are not doing nothing - we are communicating with each other and enjoying the evening in peace!!!! That is very much something - do not interrupt!"

Any idea what words to use to get him to understand this and leave us TF alone????

Edit: thanks for the awesome suggestions! It seems that, at least for last night, a variation on the suggestion to tell him to fuck off might have inadvertently been employed - and worked. After telling my husband about this thread, he told me that when he was coming into our back patio door loudly exclaiming to me that he was done putting up with Boomer's bullshit (right before telling me the story of what happened in the yard), he thinks he may have seen Boomer's reflection in the glass behind H's back looking his way. H thinks his words might have been loud enough and the acoustics such that Boomer might have heard them from his side of the fence.

If that didn't work, we plan to take a couple of other suggestions here. We have been too nice so far and, while we don't want to unnecessarily antagonize him, we really are done putting up with his bullshit. 😎