do you speak french? did you read the original article? No, you just assumed everything the original poster who posted the same thing on an ex catholic sub said is true because you also post on the same ex catholic sub. You're just triggered because I call you out

the problem is anyone can invent anything on reddit. Also there are literally hundreds of thousands of seminarians why should one catholic? redditor be given more importance than most seminarians who don't use reddit, talk to seminarians in real life not to people on reddit lol

I said there should be an investigation from the vatican. I'm not dismissing anything, but I'm not giving it credit either. I don't believe everything anyone says on the internet and that doesn't makes me a bad person as you want to put it

Reminder to anyone discerning that some people on this thread have a clear bias: if you see their reddit history they post on ex catholic subs for example or are people who have discerned in other religious orders and think their bad experience is universal. If you want to discern the best thing to do is meet communities in person rather than rely on someone's anonymous post which anyone can use for whatever purpose.

Firstable the source Le paresien is a secular newspaper. So there's a bias there. I'm simply going to give the benefit of the doubt to the church or religious orders when we're dealing with people who are non catholic reporting on catholic things. They simply don't understand catholic views or morality.

I'm all for transparency, ff there's abuse then there should be an investigation. But an investigation from the church not from people who don't even understand what the priesthood is about.

That's why you get ridiculous quotes like this: "The Founder is highly venerated and treated like a an aristocratic lord. One seminarian recounts being assigned to the "honor" of polishing the Founder's shoes. Seminarians act as his servants."

Imagine calling someone an aristocratic lord just because someone else cleaned their shoes.

Regarding your experience don't project. Just because things aren't perfect it doesn't immediately mean there's abuse going on.

If you can do it without hurting the other person, yes

for those who dislike authority, respecting one's superiors and being docile to their advice is "abuse of authority".

All of these critiques seem to be from people who simply don't like authority. You simply don't treat your superiors as equals is a common sense thing. If you don't like being told what to do then being a priest is not for you whether that is at this seminary or any other one. Of course seminarians have to work for the upkeep of the house, what would be really aristocratic would be to have non religious servants who do all the manual labours while the seminarians only dedicate themselves to "higher things"

It doesn't matter who reads scripture, it matters who gets to heaven. Most christians historically never even knew how to read

I think you need to convert them first to catholicism. Otherwise telling them they're not really married in the eyes of God is not going to make them care. Pray for their conversion

Research the history of the ban of the latin mass when the NO came along. Most communities caved but there was one order that kept it alive :-)

exactly this. Many would be threatening to become orthodox if it was their eastern liturgy that got eliminated.

Basically the communion rail is supposed to perform that separation in Western churches

you can ask for the grace of humility, and for other graces. In fact the church encourages its children to pray for the grace of final perseverance. This means that your prayers have an effect in whether you obtain certain graces or not

Well you never answered whether you support the death penalty for pedophiles so.. either say you do or you don´t. also is not changing the topic you were the one who said they cant consent so their rapists are pedophiles if they cant consent

You support abortion which is the killing of innocent children. Do you also support death penalty for the pedophiles or just for the innocent children?

forced to carry pregnancies? by whom? if they consensual sex they weren´t forced to be pregnant. And If they were raped by eliminating the evidence(baby with dna of the rapist) youre helping rapists get away with rape. Plus traumatizing victims with the abortion. How about death penalty for rapists and pedophiles instead of killing innocent children?

if you want abortion to be legal then most kids aborted are going to be perfectly healthy. You claim you want to reduce suffering yet youre okay with killing perfectly healthy children so that a minority who has defects suffer suffer less. Your solution creates more suffering than it prevents

Yet you want to allow children who arent suffering to be killed by their own parents so that a minority who does suffer suffer less. You are a hypocrite

adults can also have defects that make them suffer. Parents are not God to decide when to kill their own children

They get a chance of being baptized that they dont get with abortion so is a win

Im sorry you had this experience. Forgive and move on from that

looks are not that important as a man. Be a good person and don´t worry about it