So for a bit of context my mom was baptized as a child but throughout her adult life she did not practice the faith. My dad said he was raised sort of lukewarm Protestant and didn’t go to church a lot. My dad only started getting into Christianity a few years ago around the same time me and my older brother started going to a catholic school. I’ve been a Christian ever since but my mom is procrastinating about getting me baptized Catholic. I brought up the issue of marriage a few weeks ago and so far the only answer I’ve gotten was my dad saying “we’re already married”. They are technically in a common law marriage but as I understand that is not valid in Catholicism. My mom seems to not care and my dad is probably thinking that because as he says he identifies as a non-denominational, he doesn’t go to church and he rejects all forms of organized Christianity.

I’m wonder what I should say to convince them to get married in the Catholic Church. Or maybe is it that I should bring my father to Catholicism beforehand?