Trying to have hope, trying to have faith, but my anxiety and denial over the growing restrictions of the Latin Masses and the increasing rumor of complete ban thereof is getting really bad.

As the title says: What can be done to save the Latin Mass? It seems the SSPX and other such groups are responsible for the Pope's apparent hatred of the Latin Mass.

But what are realistic solutions to preserve the Latin Mass? If the Pope isn't going to do it of his own accord it seems, but only sees it as a pest to eliminate, what can we the laity do without provoking the iron of Rome?

Besides prayer, which I worry often fall on deaf ears, mass reproduction to increase the pastoral need for more Latin Masses might work in principle, but I highly doubt there'd be enough volunteers or economic means to pull that off.

We hear of rising youth interest in the Latin Mass, but more cancelations of Latin Masses here and there.

That recent Green Light Pope Francis gave to some parishes offered me some optimism, but that quickly shriveled up after seeing how that seemed more to ignite the rage of Pope Francis haters, Vatican II haters, other traditionalists, etc, almost like they need to believe that Pope Francis intends on complete banning of the Latin Mass.

It's so discouraging.