The sexual act needs to be both unitive for the couple but also of the type that could cause procreation. For infertile heterosexual people they fit both requirements

And he should not go into a confessional if he is not Catholic. Firstly, there are limited confession spots as it is. Secondly, it can cause scandal. Thirdly, if the priest is unaware of the penitent being non-Catholic then the priest if following the sacramental forms in an invalid way which isn’t good.

If he wants to confess to a priest, either convert, or see if a priest will agree to a non-sacramental meeting and confess in the priests office

Jesus wants you to convert and then go to confession

He shouldn’t confess his sins to a priest unless he’s Catholic

You don’t. It’s reserved for Catholics as it’s a sacrament. You need to be properly catechized and a member of the church first

YTA. You’re putting your wants ahead of a child’s needs

I agree. A lot of parents don’t. And frankly I don’t trust most teachers to be qualified to run a daycare

I think you mean when they’re functionally neglected by their parents who pawn their kids off on the state as daycare, and take no interest in their education

Education is what you make of it. Education suffers bc families discount its importance. We pay more per pupil than most western countries but our culture places such little importance on it

Is the state of education in Pennsylvania so bad that you don’t know if California was a free or slave state during the civil war?

I had a friends who, after the third time it was repeated, stood up and yelled at the priest

That’s clearly the adult section you bafoon

There is no “in the end”

The end is now. We are never getting the other books