*For context I'm a Catholic revert. The entire Mass is basically Scripture. But if you pull out the avg Catholic from a Sunday Mass, they're less likely to read Scripture. 25% vs 63%


Obv Protestants love to dunk on Catholics for not reading their Bibles...but this is lowkey grounded in fact. Even tho our beliefs and practices are rooted in Scripture (and tradition), we do a poor job of reading it.

And ofc if you go to Daily Mass you're basically consuming Scripture but I doubt that all the ppl who aren't reading the Bible are going to Daily Mass.

When Protestants bring this up, I feel like there's not enough recognition that "wait we need to do better" and more of a "aha you actually don't know our faith well" when in reality most Catholics don't know their faith well and that's OUR fault.

Anyways that's my rant. When Protestants bring this up, I feel like we could be more charitable by recognizing "hey Ik a lot Catholics don't read the Bible and that's smth that a lot of ppl can definitely improve on but..."