At the end of September 2023, French daily newspaper Le Parisien released a four-part series on the Institute of Christ the King. It got almost no traction in the English-speaking press or even on social media, I guess because it was published in French and behind a paywall.

The titles of the four articles are:

  1. The Institute of Christ the King, "the last Court of Europe"
  2. Cigars, champagne, and majordomos... The opulent lifestyle of Msgr. Wach"
  3. The Hell of the Seminary
  4. The Church of France refers the matter to the Vatican

While it sometimes "swings and misses", the article appears to be the first time anyone has published on conditions inside the ICKSP and its seminary, Gricigliano, near Florence, Italy (besides the Institute itself). It says that 17 interviews were conducted, of current & former members (seminarians/priests) or families.

I wanted to recount a few of its more relevant points here, for the benefit of English-speakers and for discussion. Those who want to read more could, of course, find a way to access the articles in Le Parisien and use a translator service to get past the language barrier.

For its part, the Institute published a response criticizing the article (linked below, in English), calling it biased, selective, and cowardly; they emphasized the good work done by their priests & Sisters on three continents. They point out that most of the sources were anonymous.

  • "Fare bella figura" - one former seminarian gave this Italian saying, Put on a good face, to describe the attitude of the Institute. The official motto is "Speak the truth in love" (Veritatem facientes in caritate)
  • Two priests (brothers by blood), Chn. Sebastien Goupil and Chn. Frederic Goupil, broke away from the ICKSP to begin their own Community due to conflicts with ICKSP leadership. They provided testimonies for the article.
  • Some current members whom the journalist encountered dismissed concerns, insisting that rumors and criticisms come from personal hurt feelings (ex-members) or jealousy (non-members)
  • Life in the seminary is characterized by a aristocratic feel, especially when high-level guests visit. Seminarians act as servants, while superiors act as lords.
  • Criticism or questioning is unwelcome. Public humiliation may be used to control those who do not conform. One former seminarian described the experience as without compassion or mercy.
  • A culture of secrecy hides scandals/problems from members of the Institute, even as these things might appear in newspapers.
  • In 2014, there was a "canonical visitation" (investigation/inquiry) from Vatican officials. The journalist reports being told by priests that they were pressured to lie to the investigators and that they felt the investigation was a mere charade.
  • The Founder is highly venerated and treated like a an aristocratic lord. One seminarian recounts being assigned to the "honor" of polishing the Founder's shoes. Seminarians act as his servants.
  • The founder, Wach, is characterized as a perfectionist who could fly into fits of rage if things are even slightly amiss. One former seminarian says he suffered nightmares about Wach.
  • A father of a current priest called Wach a manipulator who neutralizes his enemies, building up around himself a fortress. Other parents interviewed felt that Wach was a kind man who cares for his subordinates.
  • The author notes an impression that the Religious Sisters (Sister Adorers of the Royal Heart) are even more restricted, but doesn't seem to have interviewed many ex-Sisters (maybe 2?)
  • Ex-seminarians denounce seminary conditions that they call "authoritarian", with intense control by superiors and the weaponization of humiliation
  • A former seminarian who left to become a diocesan priest described the seminary as a paternalistic system with abuse of power and despotism.
  • Those to damage or break seminary property are fined and assigned a penance. If a seminarian serving a lunch/supper as a waiter drops something and makes noise, he must go before the superiors and kneel for the duration of an "Ave Maria"
  • One seminarian reported being worked to exhaustion as a servant
  • Seminarians in a parish setting may not eat with the priests, but rather act as the priests' servants
  • Seminarians were asked to pay ~750 euros per month to attend the seminary
  • A priest who left the Institute described a climate of fear that psychologically damaged many young people
  • Bishop of the Diocese of Le Havre, Rev. Jean-Luc Brunin, is also president of the "Sectarian Influence and Abuses" unit of the French Conference of Bishops. He said that he has a "heavy file" on the ICKSP, but the Institute is under the authority of the Vatican directly. (My understanding is that "sectarian abuses" would refer to what in English we call a "cult", though correct me if I'm wrong)
  • French and Belgian government agencies have reportedly received accusations again the Institute
  • Wach, for his part, emphasized that the ICKSP operates in dioceses solely with the approval of the local bishop, and that the ICKSP has a good relationship with their host-dioceses. Bishop Brunin said that his concern is less with the apostolates (operated by regular priests of the ICKSP) but with the hierarchy of the Institute.
  • Chn. Sebastien Goupil warns that the canons are constantly burning out from extreme workloads, often under the age of 30
  • The ICKSP apostolate churches are filling a need caused by diocesan priest shortages and their churches are very popular. Implied: there would be headaches and major backlash if a bishop opposed/removed the ICKSP.

Link to the articles in Le Parisien (pay-walled):

The official response from the ICKSP: