One of the things that caused me to fall away from Catholicism, is just how reactionary it at felt. For some Chosen Souls, it feels as though every aspect of their life was arranged in advance for their greatest good

But for the rest of us, we are just particles being tossed about by the winds of circumstances

  • You are undergoing extreme bouts of illness? Some Souls are specifically told that they are undergoing this to increase their Glory, and repair for mankind. They were given so much antecedent grace, that they will cooperate, and it will grace the world. You? You don't know why you're suffering. You can choose to offer it to God, or not to, but you're wandering aimlessly through the winds of circumstance. Good luck.

  • Heaven? Some Souls are created to receive certain rewards, or even to occupy specific places in Heaven, and their lives almost interpolative for getting them there. You? Your place in Heaven is directly determined by your actions in this life, but since you are not Chosen, don't expect it to be too high...

  • For some Souls, even seemingly random causes of frustrations were actually devised by God to communicate some message, or sanctify them for those aforementioned Thrones that they will be occupying? You? Bad things simply happen to you, and there's no reason why, nor is there anything you can do to stop it or reverse the damage: You can only choose how you respoooond!

Being a Catholic when your name is not Padre Pio (or any other Chosen Soul), feels like living in a Fantasy World where you know going into it that you are and always will be an NPC. You are free to do anything you could possibly imagine, but only because nothing that you could possibly do could ever be relevant to the Plot at hand (Food for thought: God's will is irresistible, and when He wants something to happen, He will create a Chosen Soul, who will fulfill His desires, and yet the rest of us seemingly have so much freedom???)

For some people, things happen for them, but for the Spiritual Proletariat, things are merely happening to us. We are those relatives of Job that were fridged in the earlier Chapters to further his Development; The masses that the Death Star incinerates to make the Sith look stronger, but we are ultimately things, not people; Extras in this Cosmic Dance that we call "life".

To drag oneself to Masses that you know are supposed to be powerful, but never show it; To gaze at God Himself in the form of Bread, only to be met with deafening silence and sterility as though He really were nothing more. To pray--already knowing in advance that almost none of your Prayers will ever amount to anything, just for, perhaps, the psychological relief?

What kind of existence of that?

What's even worse, is that even many "serious" Catholics seem to have a somewhat low estimation of God. The fact that any devout Catholic could respond with "waking up" or "childbirth" when an inquisitive soul inquires about the existence of Miracles, displays just how sterile and flaccid the perception of God has become in the broader culture, but who else has He to blame? For a Faith that was practically founded on actual Miracles, these answers are downright offensive.

Catholicism feels less like a sovereign reality, and more like an elaborate prank that just so happens to be true. Throughout this entire life, there are almost no indicators that any of this actually matters, until you suddenly wake up to find yourself in Hell one day--and even then, it may have mattered to you, but you didn't necessarily matter to God.

After all, I can imagine it would be easy to love God if He personally told you that He wants you to serve Him because He wants you to be the Queen of Heaven (speaking figuratively, not about Mary in particular). It's much less convincing when the best that you get, is some Priest in the Internet telling you that God antecedently desires "all men" to be saved, and "to think of the alternative". The aversion of a future evil is not a sufficient incentive to pursue an unpalatable "good". It is like the difference between a Parent telling their chastised Child that they should not be sad, since their corrections are merely designed for their good, and commanding a child to stop crying, lest they "give" them a reason to cry.

This, among many other reasons--is ultimately why I left the Church, and have even begun to grow indifferent to Hell: A world where everything comes down to choice--where everything is wholly malleable, is a world where nothing that is chosen ultimately matters. You say that infidelity (to God) can result in my damnation, but who even am I? Why should I even care about what happens to "me"? God doesn't even care what happens to me, if He did, He would step off His Throne every once in a while and actually do something useful. He certainly has done so for others, before.