Expensive, but we’ve had positive experiences as well there.

Lol my first apartment was 2 buildings away from the Nestor (RIP) so I know exactly the emotions you’re going through.

Nearly zero. Have a toddler with a baby on the way. Planning on giving my Mustang to my dad honestly lol. It just sits in the garage on the battery tender.

Correct, it is not taught in Catholicism to reduce your spouse to a procreative vessel. As it is taught in scripture marriage is full love and unity.

Reducing your spouse to their reproductive abilities would contradict these teachings.

Half of the classics we read in school didn’t land with me either, you’re not the only one lol

The fig tree incident was a parable in itself as well. Not just an incident of random irritation lol.

Miracles absolutely happen today. Catholicism has a formal process for declaring something miraculous even.

App code files? Uncommon. Integration tests? Very common. Lol

Little F father can apply to spiritual directors/teachers such as Paul and Timothy being in a father-son relationship in faith. As described in Philippians 2:22.

How many kids are you planning for? Stroller and luggage will not work for us once the third row can’t fold down. Planning on buying an external carrier at that point. If you know you’re going to want 3 or more I’d look into something bigger personally.

What were your thoughts about it?

Sure that’s a valid use case. We bought ours for similar reason. But you’re not OP either lol

What do you feel you need the Telluride over your RAV4 for?

Have you ever been to adoration?

Purgatory is a state of purgation. A purging of sin towards a state of goodness. Scripture references that that nothing unclean will enter heaven. Purging/cleansing of fire is mentioned in the NT. Some more abstracted inferences can be made through Revelation as well.

Context would be call no man your spiritual/divine father. Scripture references earthly/biological/ancestral fathers all the time.

Acts 7:2:

… our father Abraham …

Romans 9:10

… our father Isaac …

CCC 847

… Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation

Mods could sticky this and not change a word. Well said.

Hi I didn’t forget about you!

I too have struggled with the one-dimensional description of the afterlife we are given from sacred scripture.

But I have to believe we are more than just the sum of our parts. In that is happiness only such when juxtaposed against sadness? Is contentment only such when contrasted against boredom or unrest?

But then I had a child of my own. And when a baby looks into a loving parents eyes - no ego, no sense of self or ambition - I believe there a true love that can exist outside of just being a counterpart to its opposite emotion.

That’s how I view heaven. An eternal walk with God outside of time and earthly being. How can boredom exist with no concept of time to be passed? No frame of reference beyond just now.

It’s a bit foo-foo woo-woo, but it’s my point of view at least.

Following out of curiosity as well. Very annoying on hot summer days

Fair enough, I disagree. But at least we have a mutual understanding.

I get where you’re coming from 100%. I’d like to respond properly in the morning when I’m at my computer if you don’t mind.