Lol you talk like everything you know about Japan is through tv shows and movies.

of, relating to, or being sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her spouse

Extramarital implies one person is married and the other isn’t.

Sometimes sex is just sex. The other comments are cringe. Don’t get married just so you don’t have to feel guilty about pre marital sex.

I think its safe to say they can forget about retaking crimea. They can negotiate the rest of their territory back though.

Sure i understand parts of your argument. Although, i don’t hear people saying the drivers are superhuman. It does require an impressive amount of neck/core strength as well as quick reaction times. I think you’re downplaying how physically demanding the job is. I think everyone knows its a rich person’s sport. But what is the point of arguing about whether or not they’re the best drivers? The barrier to entry is high because it does require parents to be extremely involved in their child’s career. But what is the alternative?

Sure. As long as you include me on r/shittyfoodporn. You must have plenty of boiled meat and slop to post.

Come on you’re not actually trolling? There’s no way you think the metallurgy and manufacturing techniques are the same as the ones used in medieval times.

Well thats good buddy. I hope you have a meaningful and fulfilling rest of your life. Don’t be afraid to reach out.

Again, sorry you feel that way. Please reflect on your own behavior and actions. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I actually do think you should get help for your anger and I hope you find a little bit of peace in your life.

Sorry you feel that way buddy. You didn’t need to respond with hostility in the beginning. But I understand that you can’t be helped if you don’t want help. Feel free to message me directly if you need to talk.