Agreed. I really wanted ~10-12 seasons out of this. That's the sweet spot for me.

The airline employee that got stuck in the jet engine (?) and then hit by the champagne bottle shard in a later episode, I absolutely cackled that it was the same guy.

Feel like Josh is a chronically underutilized character so we just get him being a bad boss and not a lot of other development to make it tolerable.

I think 10-12 seasons is usually the sweet spot personally, as long as there's not a big exodus of the main cast. I think the show could handle losing one main character (IMO Bobby could most easily written into a guest role) but probably not more than that.

Gimme a spinoff set 10 years in the future where Christopher is running dispatch.

I still enjoy Grey's and SVU to be honest, though neither is what it once was.

ABC knows that we love bi Buck and they're riding the heck out of that PR train

A lot of disabled and high risk people are not going to the ER when they need care now because no one in hospitals are wearing masks

^^ This. Spread via respiratory route =/= respiratory illness.

Ok but him being back with both arms attached is exactly what I expect from this show

Clearly the answer is lone star

I agree though I don't think this is just solarpunk communities-I actually think solarpunk folks are somewhat more reasonable about this than the average person.

Sometime last year someone on twitter basically said "no you can't have year round cheap bananas forever" and many tantrums were thrown

I agree with you, but unfortunately, many don't (at least in the US). Folks have made it clear they'll gladly sell out life for some temporary comforts. I mean, most people are happy to ignore the ongoing pandemic-despite noticing that people are sick constantly etc-for indoor dining and being unmasked in the grocery store.

I want to believe that it will change, that we can come together for a better, solar punk future, but I don't know how when currently the people around me are telling me my life is worth less to them than going to a bar is.

I feel we did have that solidarity in 2020 (and that's why the ruling class needed to break it ASAP) but it's gone now and idk how to bring it back.

Join the Buy Nothing group for your neighborhood, people will usually pick them up.

For more valuable items I usually sell them cheap on FB marketplace-way under value so I can get rid of them fast.

There's plenty of cool folks in Santa Fe but the city is absolutely much more segregated and has more egregious displays of wealth than ABQ.

That's more than I make as a single adult and I am very comfortable.

BUT I also bought a small condo right before prices skyrocketed and I do not drive, so I could see how it'd be different for someone who way paying current rent prices and/or had to deal with the expenses associated with a car.

Unfortunately looser gauge garments are also less durable. This isn't a big deal if you take care of your knits and don't mind mending them if holes do happen (and also not as big a deal for tops vs something like socks), just something for folks to keep in mind

I think there are some places synthetic fibers are fine-activewear etc, especially as the alternatives are often made of wool and lanolin allergies are pretty common, and for garments like this we really need to be working on producing long lasting garments, promoting mending, and figuring out ways to recycle them when their lifespan has ended.

But I agree otherwise, it's extremely frustrating that it's hard to find even like a simple t shirt that isn't half polyester. I hand knit most of my own tops and it's not as hard to find pants that are 100% natural fiber (especially jeans, as I prefer non-stretch), but undergarments are especially difficult, especially as I personally do not like the feeling of wool in the summer months.

It's extremely frustrating (and for me, very triggering) to try and find factual information and find one of the many people that share one terrifying piece of data and announce "no one knows what is coming!" or some other ominous statement. Sometimes I dig further and find out they left out important context, sometimes they didn't but still-it definitely makes me spiral in really debilitating ways and I suspect I am not the only one.

It's really been terrible lol and left me with a lot of trauma I don't know how to work through around other issues related to collapse because I no longer believe anyone will be there to face it with me.

I used to be upset about things like climate change and our fascist government but feel very much like "well, we're all in this shit together, we'll face it as it comes". But now I see we're not and that scares me more than anything.

I generally do agree with you that it's their fault, they don't seem to care that a horrific and highly visible genocide is (very reasonably) a hard line for many folks. I can easily think of a few dozen stomach churning images I've seen in the last few weeks that I don't think I will ever be able to unsee (plus the ones I didn't look at but have heard about from others), and the majority don't even pretend to have a problem with it.

They either don't know or don't care that the blatant indifference to human life (+ all the obvious lying) has been profoundly radicalizing for a number of people, and I suspect a majority of those people are folks who are already left of center.

I really think a lot of Dems underestimate how many disabled people there are and how many are done with them as a result of this. Especially since there's more disabled people now than there were before.

Like, how many people that trusted Biden's covid policy and got long covid as a result are gonna vote for him again? Probably not many.

I'm in a similar spot too, though I lost most of my loved ones specifically for talking about how the pandemic isn't over :/ I don't really know what to do because I believe that regardless of collapse what we have is our time with our loved ones, but my loved ones threw me away like I was garbage for being a "bummer".

I don't see Biden winning at at all. Maaaaybe if they replace him with another dem, but even then I think the party has made it very clear it does not represent anyone left of center and people are noticing this more and more and rallying around 3rd party candidates (though probably not in an organized enough fashion for any one of them to win).

Idk how old the average age of this sub is but I'm 29, all of my friends and peers are politically active and previously consistent voters, and not a single one is willing to vote for Biden ever again. It's not just one issue either-dismantling covid response+refusing to acknowledge covid, approving the Willow project despite massive pushback from young people (and record drilling in general, and all the Zionism, the vile racist rhetoric around immigration, cop cities everywhere, etc.

Maaaybe if he kicks it and they run someone else, but even then I kinda think the dems are done.