Hey all I hope you’re having a great Friday or whatever day when you’re reading this.

Times haven’t been easy learning more and more about the eventually relatively near collapse of human societies in general to say the least. Even without doomscrolling I slowly but surely turned from a happy, rather optimistic and energetic person that was like by a lot of people, to kind of a loner who made a lot of family members and friends basically leave me since I was talking about depressing statistics of the future and how no one cares or even really talks about it.

In a way I kinda thought that being depressed and talking about devastating “shared” worries about the future like that would rather make people try to help especially close friends and they surely tried, though in a way I feel like I really messed up getting depressed in the first place.

Now, thing that is most frustrating is that the depression I experience feels like kind of a given learning more about collapse in general.

People have told me countless times to just forget about this and live in the moment but what if that isn’t possible for everybody? The thought alone of investing into anything especially stuff that may affect me once I am 50 or 60 just seems downright silly. Like why wouldn’t I use that money I’d invest now if later on all the stores I could anything in are long long gone literally fed to the oceans.

I’m not really looking for advice here I guess but would love to know if anyone is in similar shoes like me and just having experienced loosing lots of people that were really close, many of which you thought would stay with you for life. Especially family of course.

Feels like some twisted spiral in which depression about the future pushes people away while being left in and itself is also highly depressing. I know I need to beak out of it but it just doesn’t seem possible lately.

Thanks for any posts or thoughts.