I posted this same question a while back and was recommended using player pants and it’s been great. I can’t stress enough that you need proper pants. You will hurt if not.

Sulfur springs is a great up and coming area. Plus very close to Bush Gardens.

Basically. Sort of hard to explain in detail but looking at the stick before the release helps me know if he’s aiming top right or going 5 hole. Also the type of shot let’s me know how accurate (wrist shot) or hard (snap shot) it’s going to be. The first part of this video explains it a bit. https://youtu.be/672fGKDz4qI?si=aqCSURb6CyywkbVR

Everything that has been said about positioning is very true. The only thing I’ll add is with faster shots it becomes more imperative that your reading the puck off the stick. The better you are at this the better you’ll be at knowing where the shooter is aiming. Trying to pick up a fast shot once it leaves the blade is almost impossible. Once you get to B/A league you’ll have to deal with deceptive releases (see: Kucherov or Bedard)

Oof, tough look mentioning Kanye in that response. Kanye said he wishes drake could write all his raps.


“What the fuck, bro? I'm one away from Michael”

Because they are the two greatest hip hop artists of our generation And their “argument” has produced, to this date, 12 or 13 new songs if you count the Rick Ross diss track and Metros BBL drizzy beat, in the span of a month! On top of that, the songs are witty, fun and full of drama. Some people are tied to the argument but most are just fans of all the new music this situation has produced.

This might actually make a funny episode. Where they just talk and do their taxes or something.

I agree but 21 got pretty sick of people going “can ya do something for meeeee” before it faded out lol

If your week isn’t one solid bar your doing good. I would love your calendar.

I thought this only happened to me. It’s the shuffle board marathon every time.

Haha if you wanna see weird you should check out the Carti sub 💀

So glad I set a remind me to come back to this. Tough season bud.

I've made some empty promises in my life, but hands down, that was the most generous.

Your the product owner, the Swiss Army knife that does what needs to be done. Learn it, own it and then delegate it.

“The peace sign is just a trigger and a middle finger” - weezy f baby

Link is hard af.

This might be the most powerful thing I have ever read on Reddit. Thank you for sharing your journey!

This a job not a playground. You will work with others or you can find a new job. It’s not that deep.