I had the fun job of doing their settlement which we finally completed a year ago. I plan to consult a tax attorney but figured I’d start here to see if there is anything else I should inquire about.

She got to keep the house which has around $400k in equity and a balance of $350k remaining.

Both the house and the home loan still include my father’s name (against his preference) because the interest rate is 3.7% and refinancing would be difficult as the rates would be higher and my mom doesn’t have an income outside of LTD.

Here’s what she’s working with:

$200k cash
$100k in retirement accounts
No other debt

She doesn’t want to move so she wants to pay off the house asap and eventually leave it to her children. My siblings and I are open to supporting her living expenses as they are very minimal.

Any thoughts on how she should proceed?

Edit: Really appreciate the thorough responses everyone. Seems like the overwhelming consensus opinion is to sell the home. I suppose this means she’ll have to pay capital gains tax on the gains above $250k.

Also, regarding the questions around spousal support, we opted for a $200k one-time payout instead so she could sever the relationship with my dad and not have to chase him for payments. Knowing his past behavior, getting what we could now made more sense than expecting monthly payments going forward.