I think the argument is that when everyone has an iPhone in their pocket, all watches become ornamental.

I’m going to sound like a dork probably but I genuinely believe this is true. There is a quality that exudes from luxury watches that’s hard to fully explain unless you’ve held one in your hand. Pictures do not do high end watches justice at all.

Rolex is definitely noticeably much nicer, better QC, higher attention to detail relative to consumer brands like Seiko or even “entry” luxury brands like Tissot. Hold a Rolex and Tissot side by side, in your hand, and the difference is unmistakable. The difference between a Rolex and a TAG, Breitling, or Omega is much less noticeable.

I also will note that luxury watches do have a huge mark up and you are in a sense also paying “for the name”.

I still can’t believe how severely COVID messed everything up.

Being able to buy a fast food burger for a dollar feels like a distant memory at this point.

You can easily afford to spend $35k on a car when you make $350k

For it to be a sound financial decision, yeah that sounds about right.

You can still buy brand new economy cars like the Toyota Corolla for around $20k so a $60k car is quite an extravagance.

There’s very few players over the age of 30 in tier 1 and most of them are IGL (and not good mechanically).

I don’t think 30 is too old but almost all pros fall off by 30 for whatever reason.

According to the data 25% of people don't save for retirement at all. Saving what you can is better than doing nothing.

I'm also turning 30 this year and haven't accomplished any of the financial goals I was supposed to by now.

I don't really have advice other than don't be too hard on yourself and try to enjoy life.


I assume stuff like this is to protect against malpractice lawsuits.

Obviously they already know he has a GI bleed but they want it documented on the chart just in case and I can respect that.


I just had a vague interest in science/medicine and absolutely do not like interacting with strangers so this seemed like a good fit.

The actual nature of the work is pretty much perfect for me. The subpar pay and lack of any kind of real career growth are the bad parts.

Yep, it seems like everyone over the age of 40 just has their head in the sand with this situation. They worked hard and saved up and bought a house for $150k and think we still have that same opportunity.

Forget the fact that nationwide median house price is up nearly 50% compared to 10 years ago. In most desirable metro areas, it's even worse than that.

Home ownership rates among people under 35 are historically extremely low right now. But I guess that's just because we're too lazy and would rather buy watches 🙄.

Banks wont offer conventional mortgages at a higher DTI ratio than 36% usually.

So if you put $100k down on a $500k house, the monthly payment would be about $3,500 so you'd still need to make $118k to even be considered for that loan. And that's assuming you have no other debt.

FHA loans allow a higher DTI ratio of up to 43%, so if you put 5% down ($25k), your monthly payment would be $4,200 and you would still need to make $117k to qualify.

And as an aside I should say that banks will approve you for a much larger loan than you can comfortably "afford". Buying a $500k house, even making $118k/yr, would leave you house poor. $3,500/mo is a huge mortgage payment. I pay $1,200 for rent.

The most conservative personal finance advice people like Dave Ramsey say your mortgage should be 25% of your take home pay. By that advice, you'd need to make in the ballpark of $250k to comfortably afford a $500k house. That was probably good advice in the 80s when people were making $20k and houses were $50k or less.

So yeah, unless prices come down to pre-pandemic levels, most people under the age of 30 aren't buying a house unless they're exceptionally high income earners, have help from family, or are willing to live in a very rural area.

I'm pretty sure what RFK was talking about was cysticercosis which is when the pork tapeworm lays eggs in your brain.

They don't actually eat your brain and with treatment I don't think cysticercosis typically causes long term cognitive damage.

It was quite the gaffe to go on TV and say that worms ate his brain though. Kind of disqualified himself completely if he ever even had a chance.

imagine the next five.

I think the odds are incredibly high that he's going to die within the next 4 years.

Newsom's approval with Californians is 46%. Trump had an approval rating of 34% at the end of his term and Joe Biden currently has an approval rating of 37%.

Gavin Newson isn't the next JFK or anything but I do think he would beat Trump pretty easily. Just being able to speak in full, coherent sentences would be a major upgrade over either of the 2 options we currently have.

Technically political candidates aren't officially nominated by their party until the convention.

Joe Biden has earned enough votes to become the party nominee through the primary voting process, so everyone is just assuming he will be the guy. However, it wouldn't be illegal for the democrats to just pick someone else at this point.

As an aside I really can't believe the democrats are going to prop up an old man who, at this point it's impossible to deny, literally has dementia and can't speak in complete sentences.

I think the most logical thing to do in this situation is sell the house and roll over the equity into a condo or apartment that she can own outright and not have to worry about paying a mortgage.

Here in Europe

Isn't the home ownership rate in Europe significantly lower than it is in the U.S.?

If you can't convince yourself that saving for a house is more important than owning a luxury watch

I don't need to convince myself of anything. The $5k I spent on buying a Rolex isn't the reason I don't have $100k to put down on a house.

You won't change my mind.

Ok? You asked a question and I answered it.

What do you mean by "give up"? I save/invest as large of a percentage of my income as possible.

Even if you make a decent income, say $100k, you still can't afford a $500k house. That's not "giving up", that's just math. A bank wont even approve you for the loan most likely. And yes, some of us live in a place where even starter homes are half a million.

So I don't have $100k to put down, let alone 4 grand a month to pay to a mortgage. But I was able to put away a couple hundred bucks a month over the course of a couple years and decided to finally buy a Rolex.

Life is short, right? If I'm not getting a house regardless I honestly don't see why I shouldn't spend my money on other things that make me happy.

Also, as an aside, if I ever am in a position to buy a house and are $5k short for the down payment, the great thing is that the watch will have held it's value and I could just sell it.

How is it hard to imagine?

The down payment on a starter home in a lot of HCOL areas will set you back $60-100k, and then monthly payments of $3-4k a month for 30 years. An entry level Rolex is a one time cost of$5k. 5 grand for a watch is a lot of money but in absolute terms it's actually like an order of magnitude easier to get the watch.

Who said anything about 3 bedroom 2000 sq foot?

Are we not discussing the post where they said they had a 2000 sq ft apartment?

You're welcome to live in a loft in Detroit for $2k a month

I think the thing that makes this even more absurd is no you can't live in a comparable apartment to this, even in Detroit. I don't know if you realize how enormous of an apartment 2,000 square feet is.

I took a quick look at apartments.com and found something roughly comparable - 3 bedroom 1600 sq ft (so still substantially smaller than OPs). It's 4 grand a month... in Detroit...


I doubt you can rent a 3 bedroom 2000 sq ft apartment in Rochester or anywhere else in the country.

I live in a MCOL area and 1 bedrooms go for $1400/month

It’s actually insane to think about how much more affordable stuff was back then. Almost hard to believe it was real.

Condos in my area are going for $250k+ after mortgage taxes HOA it’s like $2500/mo.

Yeah I’ll just stay in the apartment I’m paying $1200 for.