oh ya. no brainer. minor league contract, keep off the 40man, basically no risk.

Well they didn't want him enough to trade but someone can still take a flyer on him as a free agent now.

dunk in cold water AND smash them with a spoon, like put cracks in them. the water will get into the egg and between the shell and then the shell slips off a lot easier.

ya, cuz in the US, your job is your health insurance, usually.

nice. just a note you coulda still got 300K - with 200K cash now option and 100K in an earnout - say a generous 2-4 years. Just went throught this (75% cash, 25% stake in new co that was formed via acquisition).

ya but that's the whole org then - because the pitching change, who do use first, when, and in what scenario, was already decided before the game started.

no. you're lucky - you did it, and learned you want something else in a relatively short amount of time. go move - you are lucky, you dont' have job or family holding you back.

Ross and Co, who offered Ohtani almost 1B CAD? Vladdy also has to agree, and we don't know what his camp is saying. They're gonna get paid, and maybe someone out there will have a better offer - like it's not like the Jays are set up to go deep in the playoffs.

sure, though Japan has housing inventory. we do not. We need more. As for manpower, that's old school economy - we need innovation. Who wants more burger flipping humans? Give me more climate tech startups, more medical and pharma research, type jobs here. Export IP and technology, not maple syrup.

I think law is boring af but it's necessary. Family law is good because guaranteed people will always get divorced and ai isnt going to have the human touch required to sit through arbitrations and scorned lovers. Any other kind of law? Meh, ai will probably drive down what lawyers make.

there's not much mental going on in there in the first place. they fully believe everything their orange messiah says, can't process information that contradicts that, including their stupid eyes.

They're dangerously close to being the gov next time.

You could probably throw some baseball pitches that will blow people's mind.