The nice thing about DevOps is that there are easy roles where you get paid a nice amount of money to do not very much. There are also hard roles where you get paid insane money to do very hard work (often labeled SRE).

You are currently on the easy path. If you don't like it they're happy to interview you for the hard ones (Meta, Google, AWS, etc etc) and the pay literally starts climbing into the millions per year once you advance far enough.

Most jobs in big tech will involve writing code in compiled languages all day, very occasionally doing yaml and or messing with other config tools. If you choose this route I would suggest starting practice with leetcode hards until you feel comfortable solving some of them.

It is actually hard though. Which path is up to you.

Also, dev gets romaticized a lot but it's actually in a pretty brutal downturn right now. Many devs I know are laid off unable to find a job currently.

They're different shows, but David Simon's other shows are also really good and feel similar to The Wire in some ways and all really high quality (though The Wire is still my favorite)

Treme and and The Deuce are the most similar in format / duration.

The Protagonist of The Wire is Baltimore.

This is really surprising to hear. Had been hearing it was the other way around. What process are you using for sourcing quality candidates? I recommend the HN Who Wants to Be Hired Threads. (or post an ad yourself in the Who's Hiring thread that comes out every month at the same time. Suspect you will find many who are overqualified for the type of work you're describing.

She could downsize to a small apartment, rent the house out for income, and still leave the house to her children (as a rental property or otherwise)

Depends somewhat on rental values in the area. Also, she may need someone (perhaps you if interested) to mange the property for her.

Don't get to stay in the house, but at 60 also don't have to go try to find a job.

Could also sell the house and downsize without worrying about the headache of being a landlord.

Aside from that, you mentioned you and your siblings are open to supporting her, you could just pay her rent if she wants to stay.

The worst possible option is paying off the house at a 3.7% rate. In some ways, the fixed rate loan itself is a more valuable thing to leave than the house in this market.

You could go one step further and automate the clicks and text through the change tool with something like autohotkey or powershell.

I've always viewed Bunny's character as the perspective of "why wouldn't anyone do something about this? How could you bear letting this go on? What would happen to someone who tried to fix it?"

The thing about Herc is, what is he ever doing except following the incentives most directly in front of him? He isn't a bad guy on purpose, he is just flowing through the system like water flows through a ditch.

I think Herc is there to show us what the system produces with no resistance.

Enjoy! Big fan of TNG, Voyager, and DS9 in particular. They show their age a little bit now, but mostly they just feel like one great continuous long running scifi story

Kubernetes is a nice base to build from and has network effects of CNCF. You can build without it. You can build without Linux. Stackoverflow runs on Windows and MSSQL I kid you not. But if you take the time to learn the weirdness of it, Kubernetes actually has a petty nice approach to solving all the same problems you're going to have to solve with every other system. The nice part about Kubernetes is that it gives you an opinionated open source, well supported, tool extended framework with most exposed api surface for your entire infrastructure. That means you can automate everything. Sure this is true with even physical Linux boxes using Ansible etc. But you start getting into weird stuff around state. If you're willing to commit to the weird googly world view of Kubernetes, it actually solves a lot of those problems quite nicely and becomes part of the core IaC abstraction. Being vendor neutral, you can also credibly threaten moving your infra across clouds or into an onprem datacenter.

Think of it like BSD in a world where it really took off and became popular. BSD is good you know, just a little bit of a trip to learn.

I can't find it now but there was a thread a few months back asking the same question. It had one of my favorite comments I've seen on this subreddit.

Paraphrasing, it was something like "they would not tolerate it. The Culture would establish contact and take on all comers"

This is an excellent time to skill up. Look around at work, not just on your team but in the company widely (especially technical teams). Find the most competent people and ask them what are the most valuable lessons they've ever learned. What do they wish you could do for them?

For self study I'd recommend hitting the books (, the homelab (AWS is a good place to build this now if you want to learn more cloud), and the leetcode (get good at this and you'll understand deep programming principals and interviews will no longer be intimidating).

Yes. I think it's beyond SciFi. It's my favorite of any book series / TV Show / Movie / Video Game. My favorite art. A few things have been close but I've looked and never found anything else quite like it.

These movies are actually pretty enjoyable to watch (some more than others)

The game too, though old now is actually pretty good. Unique first person prison escape style game. You don't see a lot of those. Some stealth and action parts too.

Wow, thats crazy I've played that map before but I had not idea it had helicopters

The Special Circumstances move is to just sneak it in. Once someone goes to borrow it they'll probably see it isn't in the system and add it.

Cool idea! Would be nice if there was a way to try it without logging in

In wsl2 you can just cd to the windows drive and keep stuff wherever you would normally keep it. Look under /mnt/c/

"we're getting telemetry back from the MALP. Looks pretty much like Vancouver"

Ok people, you have a go

I try to work in the koans from the show (including that one) as often as possible


Technologically? I do think we will one day reach these heights (and beyond). That's an optimistic view though, and counts on things like discovering physics allows faster travel and other unknowns.

I think there is another way to take your question though. Not long ago there was a post on this sub about what the culture would do in the 3 body problem universe. There were a number of good responses that mostly had the same gist but one I really liked in particular was something like "they would not tolerate it. They would make contact and take all comers" (the premise of the 3 body problem is that the galaxy is dangerous and civs live in secret to try not to get discovered / destroyed. The Dark Forrest theory)

I really liked that take and reading it made me realize thinking about future civilizations is not the only way to think about the culture novels. Iain himself made contact (with the novels) and took all comers.

We have a long time to wait (probably once we're dust, unless we get really lucky with longevity tech) to reach the culture civilizationally - but what is stopping you from living like a culture citizen already?

Sure you don't have a GCU to hang about on, but most of the culture novels take place on some backwater planet anyway.

The technology is aspirationally reachable in the future.

The Culture is a mindset, reachable right now.

On the bright side we have OpenTofu now.

On the not so bright side this acquisition feels like "Hmm, who would be able to spend the most time and resources suing OpenTofu for the next 10 years? I know!"

More today than yesterday. Probably more tomorrow than today. If you treat DevOps/SRE essentially as a software development job you reap pretty big rewards.

With modern tooling pretty much everything has an API or SDK now so with a little effort you can turn the entire stack into an abstraction that you can change, improve, modify, entirely in code.

This also means you can destroy or rebuild your stack as often as you like (I've seen people all but hang up troubleshooting to just blow away their entire infra and rebuild it any time something got weird, wouldn't personally recommend this but amusing that it's possible.)

Programming has a high skill ceiling, but gets pretty comfortable with practice. Leetcode can be a good place to start (this will make you quite sharp for interviews too)