The discord has all the instructions, or if you do not want to join the discord you can follow instructions here


Please don't turn this into a server vs server contest. Each server has great things to offer!


There is no real money involved, however there is some degree of grinding. The biggest grind is to level digitalize, which allows you to fuse with your demon partner of choice. Its not really needed for the beginner content, but if you want to go far in the game youll need it. There is also a small grind for gaining levels and expertise. You also need to have some tolerance of running dungeons repeatedly to get your gear built up.


Both are very fun. In terms of differences I think NM has a lot of the content that Re:Imagine did (like sewers dungeon, fairy forest, thorman, daily missions, etc) and has some new skills/expertise. NM also has seasonal events. They are taking a stab at rebalancing the classes for more equality so will be interesting to see how it turns out!

The invites should be working now!

The story's been completed now! And there are some gears and expertise that can allow you to be able to increase the fusion percentage chance. Leveling is also easier because you can collect apples which can be exchanged for xp. The apples stack with xp incense. There are also more dungeons with better xp than aeria

Dump this trashcan, you deserve better. What if you guys actually get married one day and have kids? What will he teach your daughter?


I have played new order, and can say that the progression is very fast compared to RE. You can basically complete the entire game (all digi, rebirth, every dungeon, all grinds) in one week by buying gear directly from the CP shop.

Sadly because the game is so easy and gears being so easy to get, there was nothing left to do afterwards. RE kept in mind that there needed to be a challenge which is mainly why the player base in RE was so much larger than New Order. New Order has Shiva/vishnu dungeons which can be easily grinded to get all the cp you need for gear. Most players did that and exited the game after getting all their gear.

New Moon server appears to have some hope and will have dungeons dropping gear. It's still in testing phase and the wipe should be happening in June after all bugs are tested.

tl;dr New Order server can be completed in 1 week, RE server is dependent on your patience to grind, New Moon will be less grind and more reward from dungeon running.

Omg I love you. Thank you so much ♥️

thanks appreciate you sending this, unfortunately its not either of those songs :( thanks though

Trying to find song in episode 4

There is a song playing in the background of episode 4 where Wednesday confronts Tyler on assaulting Xavier on outreach day (31:48 in the episode). anyone know what this song is? appreciate any help!

Ooh well they have a free version here at and quite a lot of people play