This is my feeling too. MTG will think twice before she insults someone's looks again, you mark my words on that.

OP is in the right but when someone apologizes and feelings are still raw, don't say "And I hope it doesn't happen again." You are literally starting the argument again.

Let it go at that point. OP says they are young so this is just some advice going forward. The guy didn't start in with the "you should apologize too" stuff until OP said that. Take your victory and get off the hill as fast as you can.

It amazes me that someone who would pay, and can afford to pay, $34 for a burger would gripe about a 7% surcharge. But very soon they won't be able to make posts like this.

Well actually, I control it. I don't buy what is on the this list. Coca-cola?? SmartWater? Fruit Loops? Rice a Roni? lol

Buy fruit, vegetables, whatever type of protein you like, rice/pasta/tortillas. Food does not have to be processed. Buy regular pasta which has nothing but good things in it (not Buitoni which is "fresh' and thus full god knows what). Make your own sauce. Yes you have time, you have to learn to cook and shop efficiently. There's an Icelandic yogurt that has no additives that they sell at Safeway. Don't forget lentils which cook quickly and for which there are many wonderful recipes on YouTube.

Read the labels, act accordingly. Fritos, which is on this list, has only corn, salt and corn oil. It's a decent snack food. Obviously don't overeat corn chips. They might have too much salt if you are restricted but for most people a small serving is fine. Don't accept lists like this without studying them.

When you just buy real food, shopping goes faster. You don't have to wander the aisles wondering if you should buy Golden Grahams. It's cheaper to buy real food and cook it. Esp. in the long term as your health is better and you save time and money on medical care.

I have never eaten this crap and am mystified why people feel some corporation controls what they eat. There are many things out of my control but what I put in my mouth is not one of them.

I have read it. It's good because it points out how dangerous work is but it does not explain how automation might actually work. AI might get rid of a bunch of jobs and then it will be austerity with UBI. I don't see tech saving us.

"Automate where possible." In computing when an unrealistic software idea is proposed someone will say "And then a miracle happens." That's what this is.

Not everything can be automated. Even automation requires some human labor. The same uncaring capitalists will be in charge and your UBI might be a pittance, less than a regular job.

Productive play: we'll all be YouTube/IG/Twitch stars. What does it really mean? Can you grow food, build computers, manufacture eye glasses, teach kindergarten with productive play. Please show me how.

I cannot sit around waiting for someone who knows how to do surgery to give me a "gift." I have a minor surgery tomorrow and I thank my lucky stars we are not in anarchy-land.

If you are TAing and taking graduate school seriously you won't have time for a job. (Many universities forbid this, for good reason.) Look around your university for fellowships. Or take loans. Apply for grants. When I was in grad school I was in super frugal mode for five years.

Ah the scarlet tanager, that is truly an outstanding bird. Nice photos!

Blue is what I was going to suggest too although a lighter, less saturated blue could be very nice, depending on what OP likes. Blue is always correct with grey - they seem to really complement each other.

Maybe a smoky or dusty blue that is not so vivid as Hale Navy could be a contender. Get some paint samples (available from Benjamin Moore, last time I bought was $12 mailed to my house) and see what looks good.

This (co-first) is still the best solution for not burning bridges. OP can put this on their cv where it will indeed count.

It's not a clear-cut situation so making a fuss might not be worth it. When OP gives talks they can explain what they did.

I have had good luck with Ethan Allan. The last couch I bought was 23 years ago and it's still in great shape. Of course I don't know if they still make them as well as they used to.

Even hillbillies know you put the outhouse out back, and not too close to the house either.

Farenheit is absolutely more nuanced as far as how a person feels. Oldbilly makes a good point, that using only half the scale is kind of sad. Celsius is fine for science but "110 in the shade" is far more evocative than "43 in the shade."

Edit: I meant to add I am sorry for those people in 43 degree weather with no AC. Brutal.

At the University of California, Irvine protests, 19 out of the 47 arrested had no affiliation with the university.

I have ridden in a Tesla and agree it feels cheap, with a harsher ride.

I unconditionally love my Bolt. It still bugs me that the radio has to be turned on and off but that's a small thing and I find the whole experience endlessly pleasing. Have had it since the end of 2018. I am responsible for the sale of three Bolts, including two to farmers who would not be your normal electric vehicle types.

My mother had a four level townhouse. She loved it and always said going up and down the stairs was good for her. We all loved it too. It does give more privacy and has a lot of architectural interest.

It's your house. I would buy it if you like it. All those advantages like being the end unit! That doesn't come along every day.

Probably it won't have much of an impact. But for the love of god, stop cheating. It's bad juju. You make so much work for professors and it's stressful and involves a lot of paper work and everyone ends up feeling shitty. If you keep cheating, it will have an impact, so don't go there.

Just do the work. That is why you are there.

Being a TA is considered part of the training so it's part of full time graduate school (and you will learn a lot as well as get to know your peers). Some students (esp. in social science) do a lot of TAing because there is less other funding (compared to STEM etc.). That's perfectly fine. If you end up a professor you'll have the teaching ducks in a row.

Don't go to grad school unless you have a burning desire to teach and/or do research. You say you are still interviewing - that suggests maybe getting a PhD isn't truly a priority (but only you know that). Don't do the PhD on the rebound (from getting laid off) - very bad idea.

I've worked in both industry and academia, and been laid off, it sucks, but trust me, life goes on and you will be fine. Sit down with yourself and have a long conversation about what you actually want. Then do that. Stop thinking instrumentally (this job, that salary...) - think about how you want to spend your life and go after it.

Does anyone know how we get the money? I didn't see anything in the article.

Glad to see some nice contemporary architecture - congrats!!

Look at the HOA Rules. Talk to the HOA poobahs before you talk to the neighbor. Be neutral if you can (I cannot believe someone would have chickens in a condo....). Get a cat? Even if it's in a cattio it could disturb the chickens.

In my field, on the cv we can say "equal co-author" to identify a similar level of effort. So if you are Sam and she is Suzie it could be (Sam, equal co-author, Suzie, equal co-author, Franny, and Zooie). Would she go for that?

She sounds like she's a bit full of herself but it's not always expedient to alienate such people. Even if your name is second, if you can do the "equal co-author" thing that should solve the problem.

So you could tell her (very politely) that you appreciate that she came up with the idea and the funding and you have enjoyed working with her <white lies fine>, but that you did <all those things you did> and you would like to know if she would consider....That it would be extremely helpful as you begin looking for permanent jobs to be an equal co-author.... <try to say this is more important for you than her if you can, without saying it out loud>.

JFC, a full chintzing out like this...