Hold on. So you are saying that if my wife and I have a lease with a landlord. And she starts misbehaving (like OP's roommate), I can get to the landlord to solve the situation?

You should ask him to sign you a non-compete agreement, which compensate you for not joining BCG. That's the most reasonable course of action.


Yeah. The least he knows, the better. If OP gets an offer from Bain, etc. they should definitely keep that confidential until after the trial period.

This. I would also say that your time is worth money. So he may have invested $X. But you can also count the number of hours you put and a "standard rate" for your area.

I would encourage to have a discussion to narrow down the possibilities, e.g. "between 10 and 20%" or "at least 20%" and agree that if you two don't find an agreement, he will pay you $Y (or an hourly rate).

Looking at the situation from the other side, I can understand that 1st time founders have a hard time putting a nb on this, especially if you met 2 weeks ago. He doesn't know either if the chemistry is there.

So not necessarily a huge red flag, but definitely something to address IMHO.

PS: if he has already a broad experience, then, that turns into a big red flag.

I put a made-up word, that conveys what I'm doing. The reason is that if you put "CEO" or "Founder", you will be spammed by people trying to sell you coaching, mentoring and other BS-services.

OK. My point was that with a PhD, your job perspectives are completely different in some countries. In Germany, you can (likely) get a job in the industry. You may start as a manager, because you have a PhD.

In France, starting in the industry would be super tricky and in many companies, you would be considered at the same level as an engineer (MSc).

Currently, there are many roles in the PV / BESS industries in Europe. Wind is much more tricky and roles are more on the operative side (wind farm Project manager, maintenance, etc), which may not fit your profile.

Depending on your region / PhD topic, you may be a good consultant for renewable projects. But without having more info, the geography / expertise are too broad to provide more insights...

A lot of DD has been confirmed. I'm not talking about stupid "tinfoil", but about the high quality DDs from the last 3 years.

No, the report does not say that. It says that "some shorts positions were closed". Not all of them :-)

Seems that you've been FUDing enough. Have a great day (and a life, since I really don't get what you're doing spending time on this sub).

So many questions :-)

Where are you/are you going to look for a job? What's your thesis about? What are your interests?

Having a PhD makes a big difference if you are in Germany or in France (for instance). Your thesis and interests may give a hint at jobs for which you would be a prime candidate.


[...] corresponding to the beginning of the most dramatic phase of the run-up in GME’s price.

Devil's in the details. That was just the beginning. What happened next?

Pourquoi invisible? Le fait de montrer que tu te mets en CC montre que tu documentes tout ce qui arrive. Ca permet de limiter la pression qu'ils peuvent mettre, non?

No, it's just the stocks / brands that are easily associated (Chewy, Gamestop, Teddy) with RC.

Are they going to buy into something completely unrelated (like Medtech, Aerospace, etc)? Doubtful.

But anything close to retail (Chewy, Apple-like) would not be a big surprise to me.

Well, you know, I'm a simple man 😘

The official investigation from 2021 confirmed that it was not a short squeeze 💁‍♂️

Shorts never closed, it wasn't a short squeeze.

These used to be assumptions but have been proven right :-)

That's kind of the idea of being the next Berkshire.

Pets, Games, Books. Anything can be a target.

It also means that SHF cannot assume that RC will only be allowed to invest in Gaming/retail. Now, he has the freedom to invest in whichever company.

A lot of assumptions have been proven right.

Which assumptions do you think are the most doubtful?

Sorry to be blunt, but you won't produce any relevant amount of energy.

The question is: who can put up with Lebron's shit when he loses it...


Ok. Everybody says to sell the house... So I'll try to find alternatives...

Can she get a house-mate? Or rent rooms? Or (in a more general way) generate some income with it?

If not, it seems that you and your siblings are actually buying it, by paying for her expenses. If it's the case, could you buy her out today, and rent the house back to her? She would be debt-free and probably better manage here expenses.

If you can't buy it today, are you sure you would buy it later?