I've (not really relevant but f, 28) been taking driving lessons with, let's call him Carl (m,38) for the last couple of weeks. Since we spend a couple of hours at a time in an enclosed space naturally we started chatting about things, life. I never minded that since we seemed to vibe/have common interests and he also seemed especially kind. In fact, I had gotten to know most driving teachers previously and purposefully picked him to be my teacher because he seemed so kind and calm, something I thought I needed because of my fear of driving.

Anyway, yesterday we started chatting about relationships. I'm in a committed, happy relationship and from what he had told me thus far I had assumed he was, too. Then he told me that at the moment he's not so happy anymore, and hasn't been for a while because his needs aren't met in their relationship, including being seen and feeling that she's proud of him. He feels as if she's purposefully hiding him from her friends, separating their relationship from the rest of her life. They had been together for almost 4 years, but had recently taken a break because he couldn't deal with that, he said he felt unloved and as if she's somehow ashamed of him. She hadn't told anyone yet that they now were back together for 3 weeks, so he felt as if nothing had changed...

I thought that was odd, yeah. I would hate if I felt that my partner wants to hide me from the rest of the people in his life.

Then he proceeded. He said they considered moving in together but ever since she started studying she looked for single apartments behind his back and eventually moved into dormitories, where she found more friends she'd never introduce him to. He said she might be ashamed of their age gap.

I was like, hold up. Until then I had naively assumed we were talking about a partner his age, so late thirties. I asked how old she was, he said, turned 21 this year...it took me a hot second. This then 35 year old "Carl" started dating her when she was barely 17. SEVENTEEN. I was so shocked I blurted out "Carl, that's a child". He immediately got defensive and said it was legal (unfortunately it is), he didn't choose to fall for her, she was always more mature than other "women" her age and he could talk to her about things he could never talk about with "older" women.

I was so shell-schocked and repulsed, I didn't even know how to process this. I felt immediately extremely uncomfortable with him and regretted deeply I had tried to give him advice based on my assumption they were close in age.

I've been talking about it with my partner who completely agrees with me on how awful this is (we both had been in "relationships" when we were in our early twenties with partners much older than us, and retrospectively we feel uncomfortable, for me preyed upon).

Now I can't stop thinking about this. Everything he now told me feels awry and predatorily. Now it makes perfectly sense that she doesn't want to introduce a guy as old he could be her dad to late teens/early twenty year olds. If she feels as if she has to hide from him that she's looking for an apartment, I'm sure there's more going on. He's probably a very unreliable narrator and still comes across as creepy. I feel sick getting back into a car with him. I feel sick for his girlfriend. I'm mostly disgusted by how he does not seem to feel as if there's anything wrong with what he is doing. He probably met her while giving her driving lessons...

I just really needed to get this off my chest. I mean, it's still there but. Urg. Please excuse any mistakes as English isn't my first language.