Put dashcam on record and report. That's what you are allowed to do. Not freaking risking me and my kids life. You are not allowed to slow down with out reasson as trafic behind don't expect you to do so. You can actually loose your linces on that. And you don't know what the idiot will do when you get him mad. Most probably drive like crazy afterwords, and not take the speed off. Or smash in to you and drive you of the road, as a known to me experienced. Putting everyone in danger around them. ( Yungsters in a stolen car, that did not give a flying fuck.) I'm freaking mad, as I experienced similar on the highway, where to otthers evolved to roderage over long distance whit me right behind them. You don't even consider calling the cops, as you don't know what to expect in front of you, and possible cars comming from behind at great speed. You freaking trapped and terrified.

Germans have off limit speeds because of tradition not safety. And many forgets that driving pas 130 km/h in Germany NO insurance will cover anything. Ohhh.. And are you tires rated or new enough to drive pass 130?!? And do you actually know how many times you can "race" on the same tires? And who are you to tell if the roads are safe or not in DK

Creating dangerous situations by slowing trafic down is as fucked up as speeding. Freaking drive and don't put otther people's life in danger because you think you can stop an idiot speeding.

There seriously needs to be cameras up in there cars like in ubers.. Those story's are to frequent

Du behøver ikke snakke med eget læge. Alle kan få hjælp på sexologisk klinik uanset deres sex relateret udfordringer. Det er et offentligt tilbud. Alle behandlinger hos dem er under skærpet privatlis lovgivning. Dvs. Der skal indhentes specialt tilladelse for at kunne se disse data. Der med er det KUN dig som kan se dem.

Musk had a talk with Texas about a police fleet of Cybertrucks. So sooner then letter

Næsten umuligt at dække sig ind mod hacker, uden at bruger langt over hvad firmaet er værd på sikkerhed.

Når det er sagt, burde så kritisk data været krypteret i en "vault" uden menneskelig tilgang, med bruger password fordelt over 2 fysiske bankbokse. Borger oplysninger fordelt efter hvor kritiske de er, og fordelt over flere databaser.

Disse oplysninger burde ligge statsligt og kunne hentes af et godkendt firma ved behov

Meget fedt at kommentere uden at have læst artiklen. 1. November har flere danske virksomheder været under angreb

It's more then 5 years ago, but my first time in US I was stoped for speeding. I did deserve the ticket, but he didn't get happyier finding out that I did not have any cash on me. In Denmark you don't have any cash handling between you and a police officer. You will get a ticket, and you have 14 days to pay. If you don't pay they will draw it from your salary at some point. Reckless driving and you can say goodbye to your license and the car you are driving, no matter who the owner is.

PTSD i horrible. It eats you up from inside out. You can't stand being in your own body and you loos the ability to think clearly, and it hurts like hell. Somehow you will need to separate him from daily tasks, at let him only do things he findes pleasure in, not tricking his PTSD. Don't let him eat dinners whit you all where there is lot og noice. Let him start a projekt he really likes ( in the garage?). And let him know it's all because you do care about him. That's really important. The same way you all get professional help ❤️

I'm really sorry for you and your family. You dad needs an ultimatum! Write him a letter from the whole family. Don't be rude, be as kind as possible, let him know how you all love him ( or did love him). Mention all precious moments with him. End the letter with that you miss all those moments with him, and you all will stand by him while he is treatment. Force him to think positive thoughts by reading your letter, but let him know at the end that he is destroying him self and his family by not getting help.

Writing is powerful. It's a one way communication. But it needs to be a statement so he understands what's at risk. and he needs to know people do care for him.

Talk to your mom about it at first. If she has lost everything for him, there is no way back but divorce, as anything else will be painfull for your all. Then your will need to see your parents as to individuals, and not as one unity. And believe me, you will hurt more if you stay at the same situation then them living separately.

Please talk about it with love to each other with positive thoughts, with your brother to.

Please search advice with professionals. And remember it's a family issue. Don't let anyone stand by them self. It's not only your dad who needs help. Mark my words.: "You will all need help to get out of it"

Hope it all comes to good end for you.. Much love ❤️❤️❤️

I was serious about it.. Streach the nylon and you have a dust filter whit less air restriction 😉

Steal some nylon socks from a woman in your house

Making him understand how big valuation it was for you, will have a therapeutic effect on you, and will make him understand that it was not Okey, and will never be Okey. If his a good lad, he will understand it, if he is an ass about it, just repport him! Right away. You need to feel what's good for you. Reporting him can be as bad for you as for him, as it will grov in you and be a big issue. If you can talk about it whit him, at his is sweet and kind, and talk about how you could do it next time, the issue will evaporate easyer over time..

Hope it helps

And it's where I don't understand why any one is against sexual education of kids. At age 13 or even earlier, boys are fild whit hormones and don't know what to do whit them self if they don't ejaculate. That can give any mental problems if they don't know it totaly normal, and how to behave. Boys needs to be educated that sex is not just about there 5sec pleasure of cuming. It's everything in between also. Especially for girls, and that the first time means a lot. Young people needs to know that an orgasme is not sex, and that porn is just to please your self and not otthers. Its up to you if you want to press charges against him. It's not Okey to go past your boundaries. But you could also confront him, and say it was not a pleasure at all for you, and you feel violated under his pressure. If you like him a lot (love him), if there should be any next time, it should be whit dinner kandle lights and red roses, whit out any guaranty of actual penetration. You could just play whit your self, cudel. Touch each otther everywhere. If he can't hold it give him a hand job. Continue playing whit you self and he will be ready again. Maybe try some oral. Let him make you cum.. Whisper in his ear what turns you on. If Alle of that go's up in one unity, one day a penetration would be the most awesome unity of to boddyis. But his the one that needs to make it up to you, or another boy / girl. Remember to talk together, remember to share your fantasies and how you imagen it should be, and respect each otther ❤️

  1. You have 2 direct lanes to the cpu. So always 2 banks no matter the amount of mem or speed.
  2. CL value as low as possible. That's the value of clock cycle for every read or write.
  3. Speed in MHz
  4. Amount of mem. Many openworld games benefits of more then 16GB today and more then 8GB Vram. And some of them will complain of lack of mem if under 16GB.

Front fans are to close to the plastic cover in front. It's crating ground effect not pulling as much air as whit out it. Don't use the plastic cover.

Being at a party in an apartment building, most of us got really drunk, me to the point where I could not remember that evening. The next day I was asked to go apologize for the older lady down stairs, as I was peeing on here front door last night, and she open the door and escorted med back. I did go and apologize to here. Here answer was "it could happen for anyone" whit a smile. I was dumbfounded of here answer, and 30 years later still am.

WTF.. Dvs når man har en Lolita dukke så behøver man ikke rigtigt fisse? Når man har en dildo så vil man ikke have en ægte pik??

From you are born you teched to care about things. Teached basic social behavior. It's not only math, grama and history. It's why hormones are fucking you up. Politics. Getting out in nature gattign your hands dirty. Understanding why all lives matters. Logic behind Advertisment. Learning to code. All that together gives a humen that cares and not one that don't gives a F. Understanding the consequences of you own behavior

Chatgpt is not a thinking AI. So between you and the next one asking quastions there is nothing. It's just an algorithm that returns what you want to hear. Nothing else

So you fucking know how to record a screen but not share that video???