It’s funny… I’m halfway to a flaming evil coconut and even though I don’t collect them, the way other people were coveting them really makes me feel like I’m losing out! Here’s hoping I’ll get something equally good from the new prize pool.

ETA: It didn’t reset!

I try not to let this bother me usually, but we sometimes have A5 waygu for probably-way-too-much-per-ounce and I’ve had people order it well done. I tripled checked the order and just… died inside.

I agree with this dislike for everything on the side, especially on our baked potatoes. Unless you have a split personality you either want something or you don’t. Also, I can bring you the stuff on the side but the cheese won’t really melt anymore. IS THAT REALLY WHAT YOU WANT OUT OF LIFE?

I worked with a guy who would always go on about his “crazy” girlfriend until one day her age came up and I found out she was like 12 years younger than him. All her actions suddenly made sense. I didn’t even know what to say, but I definitely gave him a look because the next thing out of his mouth was, “she’s usually very mature”

This is why double/triple seating sucks more at higher end places. There’s more courses and there’s no guarantee that they’ll have all the same ones, or even allow me to time them out properly. Makes it hard to treat them all like one big table.

Similar thing happened to me, but I was older. I don’t remember thinking she looked different, it just popped into my head to ask. Later she came clean and said she was pretty sure at that point but had not tested yet.

Only commenting to say that I had someone prank me (phone call) as a teen and no one ever owned up to it. I even posted about it a few years later when I still had a lot of the same friends congratulating them on the long con and still no one came clean.

To this day I have no idea who it was.

ETA: I have considered that it could have been a random occurrence and I didn’t know the person, but it was literally on my birthday so it seems unlikely.

I saw it happen to the cars in front of me on a major road in Houston once. I called the non-emergency line and got out of there the moment the light turned.

I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a random stranger compliment, but I have gotten a couple from friends when they’ve hugged me or coworkers after I just sprayed.

I have definitely been tempted to ask clients what scent they’re wearing before though.

Your comment unlocked a memory of a coworker asking if anyone had perfume or body spray on them (she had just smoked) so I volunteered my Donna born in Roma and she came back an hour later and asked me what it was called because she had gotten a couple of compliments on it already.

I was a little salty.

Just want to say nails aren’t necessarily a small luxury. I used to spend easily $100 a month just to maintain regular acrylics, no fancy designs or trends. Moderate COL area. If you add in feet I spent close to $250 a month and know women who spend significantly more at fancier salons. I feel like for a single income household that could be a lot.

Plus OP said she can’t get them done at her favorite shop anymore, not that she can’t get them done at all so there was probably some kind of compromise to keep the expense in their budget.

Doesn’t have to be a gender thing, he could just have a bad relationship with his sister in law. I would totally ignore the bag of someone I don’t like, and I’m a (very petty) woman.

ETA: Unfortunately that would mean he dislikes his sister in law more than he loves his wife though.

I could agree with this. But in that scenario I would just offer to pay for the Uber back for someone to go with me. Asking someone to take a 10-15 minute round trip Uber to get me home at my own expense is way more reasonable than asking someone to walk me.

I had a similar question, but came to the conclusion that his attitude is the dead giveaway. He responded with anger and doesn’t seem to have apologized for his previous actions even now that he knows how they feel. To me this signals that he hasn’t truly seen the error of his ways, he is just trying to curb a behavior he doesn’t like. OP is more than likely right that he is just trying to manipulate her.

Did you eat out at overpriced sit down places (at least) twice a week?

This is the one for me. So much stuff I missed out on as a kid that you can’t really do as an adult.

This might be unpopular here, but I don’t agree. If the child is getting food (like in this case) they count. Otherwise I would not add grat for an infant/toddler that I’ve not interacted with at all.

I agree OP is right to be annoyed though. Dad was just being cheap and the restaurant should have their back. But I also have done this job long enough to know most restaurants won’t put up that much of a fight for grat. But I don’t grat babies just for existing.

There’s a reason restaurants take this crappy approach to closing, and your example is part of it. If you have a handful of days left to operate a sinking ship and your entire staff quits when you let them know it kind of incentivizes you not to tell them.

Not justifying it, just been around long enough to see it happen.

I actually don’t think reversing the roles would do much, although the female equivalent would have to include a change in finances as most are assuming that mom is the primary caretaker and dad the provider.

“Since my career is taking off now his utility for me is decreasing with every passing day” also sounds reprehensible.

Excellent information here, but there is a good chance the state rejects it as being for cause regardless of what was “stolen”. I had a former coworker get fired for theft, and last I heard he lost his appeal and was going to have to pay everything back.

We had two buttons in the system for the same item, with like a $1 difference in price. He had a buddy come in to see him and he used the cheaper button to ring the item in and got fired for theft. Some companies are assholes.

Actually agreed, because the unnecessarily elaborate story of why they bought it and almost immediately tried to sell just comes across as justifying their actions. It feels as if they’re salty they got called out, or indirectly bragging about getting one over on someone else.

200k np isn’t enough for people to be acting like this.

That, or she just doesn’t like OP. She saw no one answered OP’s question about bringing her daughter, got some small satisfaction from it or thought it meant OP couldn’t attend. She probably didn’t expect everyone to turn on her because she thought everyone else’s original lack of comment meant they didn’t want OP’s daughter there either but she was the only one “brave enough” to say something.

I’ve known a Susan or two.

It probably doesn’t help that emulating rural life and “homesteading” is such a trend for the younger generations. Unless you actually grew up like that all you see is a bunch of middle class girls in stylish clothing playing at farm life in well-insulated houses that use wood fires for the aesthetic.

Not criticizing… I tried making all kinds of stuff from scratch when I was younger before I realized how expensive a hobby it was. Unless you’re really rural being poor in American now is mostly processed foods and cheap products that break/run out as soon as you can afford to replace them.

Probably very region specific too! I grew up in the city and hunting has always been more of a comfortable middle class sport. A lot of the other stuff rings true though.

Online pharmacies? I bought some on vacation but I’m out now and I’ve been thinking about how to restock.