"My 15 year old child said bad words to me one time, and so a year later, I gave up on her completely. Then she called me a long time later and I was an asshole to her."

Yes, you're a fucking asshole. She was 15 and you weren't innocent. Can't forgive your own child? The fuck is wrong with you?! YTA all day long.

The post isn't "what are your plans" the post is "are you planning" and you can rest easy because you don't need to say anything to me although you continue to do so :D

are any of you planning

Just in case you missed it! good luck

Yep. We are on the road to many sad faces. And death is the only thing that will take us on another road whether one accepts it or not.

"Why doesn't everyone want to vote for the impeached felon hateful rapist traitor terrorist racist bigot that my bigoted racist hateful terrorist traitor ass loves so much?" --GOP Voters, never

Yeah Tyler, fuck you, you slimy lying piece of two faced shit, may your dick fall off tonight

Yipes, well, at least your username is accurate

I'll ask for clarifying questions at someone's vague questions every time I want to. I don't give a fuck what subreddit I'm in.

I might help out if there is a positive, helpful community action group that arises in response to collapse, but I'm not going to collaborate with anyone on my plans or my home preparations.

Any contribution to a group action will be done with full skepticism and concern as to their intentions and actions because I won't really trust anyone else.

As far as distant communities like people around the world or hundreds+ miles away, no, not at all.

What's that 11,000 gallon water tank made of?

So to think that most of the western world will give more than a passing concern when they die by the millions due to climate change is ridiculous.

I will care, in that, we need humans to die and stop reproducing so much in order to help reduce emissions, so the sooner there are millions dying daily from heat the sooner we will start correcting the consumption and emissions issues that got us here.

Since we won't do it voluntarily we will be doing it involuntarily, so it is therefore inevitable that mass death from heat of climate change is our future. I, for one, embrace our new catabolic collapse overlords.

I haven't seen any 4 or more digit death tolls from one day's heatwave yet.

I'm ready. Let's get some real numbers going! C'mon humans, drive those trucks and eat those burgers!

Nah. Everyone in Dallas should go play a hearty game of football!

Hiding from the sun is for woke libruls! Get out there and show climate change who's the boss

To anyone who actually reads all this garbage: LOL at you

Isn't that all of the people who have a tiktok account? Yes, yes it is.


This a selfish, competitive business. I like the most transparent people.

I will never spend a dollar on anything related to "wrestling" or UFC or any of that garbage because it's a stupid drama cosplay. Just being transparent!

Using her ethnicity to shift blame from her shitty behavior is so fuckin childish

She wants to pick her next free meal, OBVI