If comfortable sharing, are any of you planning (whether thinking about or putting it into place) any collective/community action(s) in response to this situation?<3

i'm not sure if this type of question is allowed in this subreddit, and i'm also guessing that this has been probably asked before, but nonetheless i'm still interested in hearing what people have to say about this topic as part of becoming more inspired on how i could possibly get started with other people on providing a loving response to this predicament we find ourselves in.

obviously, because we are very much aware (and some of us accepting even) about this whole process and what it really entails, we know that the typical "problem-solution" model does not apply anymore, hence why i say predicament instead, where the focus now turns onto responses which perform an action that more so is able to achieve some form of harm reduction and even resilience in the times ahead.

we also let go of the myth of the individualistic and isolated "survivalist" framework, hence why i asked about collective and community oriented actions as in a sense, we are very much going to need some interdependence rather than full independence.

i know that this is a very big and loaded question, but really; it could be anything, whether it's a local group that does something for the environment, like community gardening and building food security/sovereignty, conservation for non-human flora and fauna or maybe something like a mutual aid group, a mental health/grief/support circle etc etc.

i think that it's super important we extend our support beyond this online community and the internet as a whole, regardless if our work is centered around collapse or not, and whether folks we know are aware of it or not.

as always, this was quite a long post. thanks if you once again made it to the end. love to hear some of your ideas! đź«‚