It didn't come on too frequently but definitely Sarah News. Also Jewish Elvis and ever single PDD sketch, but Horny Zookeeper and I Think We Got Too High are my favorites. Hysterical !

Would you consider names that are spelled correctly as tragedeighs still if they're annoying enough?is it a tragedeigh?

I want to know what the general consensus is about sort of "unique" names that don't take creative liberties on spelling but still are very uncommon. Would Indigo be considered a tragedeigh to name your kid?

Tbf Christopher Joshua ain't that bad and I think Mohammed-Eslam isn't as rough as you think. Maybe some slightly ignorant westerners would be jarred by your name at first but unless they're a raging racist it won't make them think of it the way you do. Maybe just go by Mohammed, that's like the American name John with it's commonality. Not religious either but truthfully I think your name is lexically beautiful and no tragedeigh. 

"Male loneliness epidemic"nsfw
Moderator removed post

So basically theres a kind of meme going around right now where people will see any phrase and use words from it to replace common statements. IE "Capri Sun straw" -----> "she capri on my straw till i sun" or in this case "Rugged femininity"-----> "Rug my femininity"

Complete honesty? Crack your window open, blast the fan, and get BUTT. ASS. NEKET. Sleeping cold helps the body regulate it's own temperature and reach homeostasis. Just close your door and for the love of god make sure that blanket doesn't move

To be completely honest he totally deserved to be chased to hell by that sex worker

Ohhh there's no way you even know or monetarily provide support to this person unless you are in an incredibly niche community, the only reason i knew to watch him was because he is very popular in an internet group i am a thousand percent sure anybody replying has no idea about. Like extremely random. 

I actually need this energy omg thank you

How gross. you have every right to be weirded out by this man, he's a predator. CARL THATS A CHILD.

This guy was, like, actively interrupting and interrogating this model. Clearly not being on the side of body positivity, but I do see how he was pressing for the truth.

Im so sorry I wrote this at 3 am HAHA

No such thing as being too anything for dating unless you're abusive or rude, and you're neither. Think about losing weight solely for dating like this: Do you want to be in love with someone who only would have noticed your awesomeness if you were skinny? That's superficial and you don't deserve that. Be your beautiful big self and don't be scared to make the first move. Worst case you scare off some egotistical dickhead and weed out the bad ones. 

Fatphobic dog whistles?Discussion

Hey y'all. I don't really know if I'm just overthinking and taking things to personally here but I figured I'd ask you all to help me.

I was watching a podcast episode where the guest asks a model (veeerry famous) what his thoughts are on modern modeling and body positivity. The guy asking obviously was in disagreeance with fat people and shockingly enough the model responded with his decent opinion, which was that he believed it was good to have more opportunities for people.

the only thing he didn't like about modern modeling was that it was difficult to pursue as a career and build a portfolio with (for newbies) but then this guy asking decided to press him even harder about inclusivity (dog whistle for fatness?).

He came back with how he bikes with "chubby" people who are in better physical and dietary woes than him and they beat his ass so it's never fair to judge a book by it's cover and that plenty of large people can be very healthy. I was positively astounded to see someone with such privilege who has never been fat respond so soundly about body judgement, but I was a little put off by his comment at the end of this segment.

This dumbass interviewer guy keeps pushing the question, so the model continued with how he only supports body positivity if it's "healthy". The issue i really encountered was wondering what thin people believe to be acceptably healthy in their eyes. What does this statement mean?

He also said that if someone "looks like shit and eats shit" he'll tell them or as he directly says- "fuck your body positivity." Again, what does eating or looking like shit equal in his eyes?

What are fat people allowed to do, even if it's not perfect, that our thin peers actively do without being publicly hung lol?

Where do you guys stand on this? Am I just overthinking and he meant eating and looking like shit for all body types? Considering that it seems he actively believes promoting healthiness is good I thought maybe that was it.

Is this him exclusively expressing that fat people must justify every imperfect decision they make? I hate this, I hate being so confused. Help meeee

NTA. you're exhausted and your dad can quite frankly kick rocks. kids do this kind of thing for attention and connection. perhaps your daughter feels this is a way to be connected to her mommy, but she needs to understand that we can't always go through with routine- even if it feels reaaaalllyy good. tell her you love her and that maybe she can make her own food. doesn't work? get that kid tested for autism and OCD. i have both and this behavior is a 50/50 shot of either regular kid shenanigans or neurologically pattern disordered comfort seeking behavior. and remember. you are doing so fucking awesome.