For context, I'm from a Greek family that in many ways is very traditional. I'm second generation Greek Canadian.

One of my sisters came back for a family wedding last weekend. She is in podiatry school in Quebec (our family lives in Toronto.) We knew she had a boyfriend but the day after the wedding she dropped the bomb that they are engaged. Not only that but they have been living together as well. (Normally you live at home until marriage no matter how old you get.) In our culture it is the norm for a man to talk to his girlfriend's dad before he proposes. My sister knew of this. My husband did it with my dad before he proposed. None of us have met the man she's with before now. I know my parents are upset and my dad is hurt. It is not even just about asking permission but also getting the father's blessing and being a gesture of respect. My dad is upset. I think it's a big deal and my sister was unhappy I didn't back her up. She said anyone who doesn't like it can skip the wedding. She's unhappy me and our brothers and sisters don't agree.