I know that this question has been posted here before but most of the answers said that it's automatic or posted by a different department that doesn't know what's happening in the interview process etc. Mine's slightly different. I interviewed for a position on Thursday, I thought it went well and was told the same day that they wanted me to come in for an in-person interview next week. I went on LinkedIn today and saw that not only had the job been reposted (it had been taken down prior to my interview) but that both of the people I had the first interview with had reshared the job post with the standard "if any of my connections know someone" message.

Does this mean that they're not confident they've got the right candidate yet? The way they described the job made it sound like I would be the only one working this role so I don't think they've decided to hire more than one person. I've been unemployed for months now and every other position I've applied for has either sent me a straight rejection or I never heard anything after submitting an application. I'm so stressed at the thought of several more months of this and I don't really want to go forward with the second interview if they're not really considering me for the position.