Good luck with your search too!!

Congratulations my dear!

So you should be effing proud!!

Enjoy it 😊

This all sounds like a you problem if you think they arrested charged and convicted on your loose notions on the "we solved this" mentality. Thankfully, you're not the family here (they've sadly had enough shit thrown at them from people here) and the "if this was my child I would want XYZ" is a loose and flimsy cover to the anti LE, anti prosecution and pro TV show slant.

As I always said - if there was a problem with his conviction, his appeal lawyer, who has her praises sung long and loud, will address it. Then you can call it justice if you wish. Right now, there are people who have called the current outcome, justice.

Sure - your opinion. And mine is that ripping on someone's reference to their religion is a low effort.

2 degrees here - the first degree was such a crock which really didn't lead to any decent job.

Only good thing that came from it it was that I could do my second degree (law) which opened up lots of job opportunities. Been a lawyer ever since.

Now that I have children my views on uni are this: if you absolutely need it for what you want to do in life, aim fucking high, get in, make it count.

If you don't really have a passion or desire when the time comes, work or do something else at a college or TAFE before you name a jump into a degree.

To answer your post directly, I don't think uni is all it's cracked up to be and definitely not the guarantee to work and life satisfaction

I tried to read your comment with "taking the side of the victim" in mind, but then realise that reference was hollow given the context of your bigger argument.


Textbook exchange for the freakin win - that's what I used!

Out of curiosity, and this will show my age, but what's a new legislation textbook go for these days?

I'd cheer for days if I could get my hands on a second hander for $40-50 nearly, erm, 20 years ago...

Interestingly I think there is an actual lawyer in that subreddit who knows his stuff.

He doesn't come across as thin skinned either.

I don't know what to tell you if you can't figure it out. But yeah - I'm the clueless one.

This whole subreddit is full of self appointed lawyers who think they're cracked the case and he's got an appeal lawyer. But yeah - the courts cant do anything about it.

He's doomed then. Dooooooomed!!

I mean - yea infidelity will have a terrible impact on a marriage but it's a bit unfair to infer that death threats against a person and their family wouldn't.

I don't think winning was the total motivation - I still think a degree of exposure was intended and it's hard to deny that happened.

It's weird - and yes agree with your first paragraph.

There was a reach for a while of his ex wife claiming he would go to prison or something - and even that is ambiguous.

All this talk and in the end - nothing has changed.