I didn't like the monk fruit. It tastes off to me. I really wanted to like it, too.

I think feeling tinges of abandonment as your kids become more autonomous is super normal. It's part of raising them. It's how one manages those feelings that is important and will end up shaping the relationship.

In my opinion, it has seemed to me that she romanticized being a mom, just like I think she has done with her serious relationships, and we have seen the results of that play out on Summer House when those relationships let her down. I wish her the best for her child's sake.

Dating someone long distance and having a baby with someone is not really comparable.

I enjoy the weekends she is gone 🤷‍♀️

I think she has said as recently as last season that feeling abandoned continues to be a trigger for her, and children are autonomous people who will make you feel abandoned at times (not because they are doing anything wrong, but children consistently push for more independence). I really hope she has support around her.

He can leave if things go south, but a baby can't.

It's none of my business, but all the serious relationships back to back to back would have been a huge red flag for me. But I agree, I don't feel bad for him. But he can leave, and a baby can't.

I do wish she would have taken even six to nine months to herself, outside of a relationship, to check in with herself before bringing a whole human baby into her life. She has said abandonment is, and as of last season continued to be a huge a trigger for her, and kids are autonomous people who will make you feel abandoned at times, so I hope she has the support she needs.

He never watched the show, and they haven't dated that long. That being said, he should have done his due diligence before bringing a whole extra person into their relationship.

Hard agree, Jax and Britney should have never been given a platform on TV again

She may not let them touch her stuff or organize.

She just had to keep it together for a season, and instead, she has been throwing what I can only describe as a tantrum for the last three(ish) months.

Seems as though he (unlike the cast) has not spent enough time in the comments...

How would anyone come for her parenting when we never see her parent on TV, since thankfully it was built into her agreement with Randal that she can't film with her daughter

(I say thankfully because, for better or worse, at least the child's privacy is somewhat protected)

It's because she can smell the end of VPR and what does she really have to show for it... A podcast? People have been losing interest because she can't help but insult her listeners. A makeup line? She says it's rebranding, and their last post of a specific product on Instagram is a skincare headband. A book? Sure. Meanwhile, Ariana is building a resume and skills to move her career forward. Lala should be careful. She may turn green with envy.

She said she wanted to walk away because she was "creating life" and "uncomfortable." 🙄

At the end, she said that she was "creating life" and was "uncomfortable," which is why she wanted to walk away. 🙄

Having quit the show, she is eventually going to need to develop a personality and life outside the show, right?