RUN OP!!!☢🚩🚩🚩🚩're previewing a very serious attention to what is going on and rest assured that the future will be painted by the colors of intolerance and shame. I'm so sorry for you and your brother. Blessings.

OMG you are a HUMONGOUS AH 🙄PLEASE do the dating world and yourself a favor: don't date until manners and self awareness are reached. Wish you a better future. Peace 🌏

Definitely NTA. OP you're having a clear preview of what your life could be like if the boundaries are not respected met and kept and is NOT pretty. I am sooo sorry for your baby girl and commend your actions. You are protecting that child just like a mom would. Blessings.

That sounds so sweet 💝 You have a good boy ❤

What an awful family you have OP! My heart breaks just by thinking that they can hold such sentiments to their own people. You did the right thing. You chose to be kind and honest. NTA and Happy Holidays :-)

You're not an AH you are a SUPER AH and to top it off is very obvious that you are lacking common sense and consideration for your wife. SMH...

YTA...The greatest...your family doesn't respect your wife because you don't respect her yourself...SMH

Exactly this OP! That's what you need to do ASAP. Actions have consequences. I'm sorry that you are dealing with something like this. Your sister not only disrespected you but crossed a very sensitive boundary.

Exactly! The sister doesn't need to have her fiance ask for "permission " This tradition nowadays sounds about property being bought...sad. NTA

NTA. NTA. NTA.I'm sorry for your loss because it's not "just a cat"...You are doing your best job as a responsible caring mom. Hugs.

OMG what's wrong with you??? That's Post Partum Depression sir and if you're a responsible person and love your family will be a better human being! Seek help...assistance...orientation...counseling whatever is needed and be the good husband and father you can be. You can do it. Blessings and congratulations on the new baby boy.

OMG your sister is awful! Keep away from her!!! WAAOOO 😳 what a disappointment of parent she's going to be. Poor baby boy.

NTA! It's ONE day! The sky isn't falling! A very sad situation...

That's shows in his mouth 😂😂😂😂Ron DeMeatball🤣🤣🤣

Exactly! Thank you 🙌👏👏👏👏

Hnmm🤔 this is giving me astrological Walter Mercado's vibe! 🙃😊