I ( F39) was in a happy relationship with Paul ( M38) until days ago. He was a pretty regular guy until it got into his head that he wanted to be a very famous executive. Not impossible, but his reality is quite different. He's a desk clerk at a very underrated government agency. His job is a dead end, and he has no experience in the private sector. 15 months ago, he and his close friends decided to start a business that they would rotate to operate around their schedule. It was too difficult to sustain, so Paul ended up keeping the business and all its debt. I tried to convince him to sell it and cut losses, but he disagreed. He now found a female business partner who said she will invest if he reorganized the concept. I didn't have any reason to feel uncomfortable, until 4 months ago, he changed his food preferences and started taking us to shows by artists I'd never heard before. He also became passionate about Indian food and has adopted attitudes, opinions, and views that are not naturally his. I wasn't worried until I found out that she's Guyanese, so the Indian food makes sense. She did a check-in at a restaurant nearby, and when I said I wanted to try that place, he became defensive. I asked him if they have been hanging out together without telling me about it and he said no. He doesn't want me to drop him off right in front of her office door but wants me to drive 3 to 4 doors down. I asked to meet her, and he said it's unprofessional, but he introduced me to his last boss.

I'm not trying to ruin or take anything from his dream, but it feels very odd. I don't know if this matters, but he's been insistent about my personal style. I'm a jeans and sneakers person. He's been asking me to wear more sober attire in the office like dresses and low heels. He also said that the way I walk could be improved. I went to her business page on FB and noticed that she dresses that way. Of course, I can't prove that he has become critical of me because of her, but it hurts.

I'm feeling very insecure about this. We had an argument because we had plans for the weekend and he canceled at the last minute because he and new partner had a meeting. I asked why they couldn't just do a video call but he said they had a lot of work to do. Now it's almost every weekend.

I asked him how they are planning on working this out, since she already owns a business. For background, her company is already developed and she seems very hands on. He asked me to drop it because I'm making things weird. Fine, I told him that I needed answers if he wanted me to keep letting him use my car or driving him to their meetings. He seemed disappointed and said that I'm creating road blocks. I want to be supportive, but he's made me wait for him to pick me up from work until very late. I work at a small company, office hours until 5PM. If I work late at the office, it means until 8PM. He came to get me at 10PM when her office is 30 minutes away. I know starting a business is very time consuming, and I don't want to be an obstacle, but I'm troubled by his behavior. He says I'm drowning in a glass of water.

AITA for not wanting to allow him to use my car unless I meet her or something? I'm not sure if I'm being entirely rational because meeting a boss/business partner is not a very usual ask and it's entirely up to him.