
The only way to prove he's cheating or prove yourself wrong is hire a professional to get your proof.


Yes. If the car he drives belongs to both of you, you can put a VAR underneath the driver's seat, and you will be able to hear his side of the conversation.


Start digging and looking at the other women's FB and other SM to see if they are posting pictures and / or see if you are blocked. I would (personally) get a burner phone and download the apps that he was using and create fake profiles/email and see if he is currently on them and if he's active. Androids are tricky.

Maybe your SO is out on dates with her opposite sex BFF because it's so much better than spending time with you, and everything feels right, and he's so much better at conversation but don't worry because date nights with you are good too. It's just that HE knows her way better than you ever will. You don't NEED a SO when you are dating your mom. You probably should treat your mom to a romantic weekend getaway. She deserves it.

Sounds like to me that you don't play dad to your son and you're a happy family with your sister and nephew. Why couldn't you take your wife and son with you so they could enjoy Germany while you were at the match? Your son knows that you don't want him and that his cousin has taken his place.

You also rave about your nephew and neglect your son because all you said about him is that you love him. You are a dad to your nephew and not your own son.

I would love to hear your wife's side of this because, IMO, she's probably sick of this too. Yes, YTA, because you should've taken your wife and son with you and let them do other things while you were at the match.

NTA, and give her divorce papers before she makes this extremely difficult or tries to put you in jail.


I personally don't classify this as revenge sex. I'm glad that you broke out of your shell and had a fun sexual experience, and enjoyed it. Your husband, every time he committed adultery, got sexual gratification from it. Live your life and have fun and enjoy finding yourself again, and HE doesn't get to say anything about it. Personally, I wouldn't think twice, and I would divorce him.

You can always add a stipulation in your divorce that neither of you can have BF/GF around your children at least a year, and if either one of you breaks the agreement, that you/him will lose out on custody. Tell him and her that they either back off or this is what you will fight him over. Tell him that she isn't welcome at your house and she needs to learn her place.

Forgetting about the timeline details is unfortunately on you. But IMO, he doesn't seem like he cares about you and what your family is going through. The trip was already planned, but he put him and his family first, which IMO is selfish, and he wouldn't even compromise. I hope that your dad puts the house in your name only so that you will always have a home that your husband won't get half of.

Your honeymoon trip will never be a "honeymoon," and it will just be a vacation with no meaning, but that's just my opinion. I also think that you jumped the gun on getting married. Good luck, and I'm sorry that your mom is going through this.

I personally would be done. The disrespect from not asking you and the disrespect for your own personal space being taken. That's not the actions of someone who is supposed to love and care about you and respect you. I would leave, and I would leave single.

NTA, and I would also be looking in his phone to read their messages. His co-worker is at ease enough to call his mom and wants a BBQ. There are too many questions and not enough answers.


Why? She's a liar and cheater who is also deceitful. She has betrayed you for 6 years being in an emotional affair and has now betrayed you by physically cheating with the same man. Yes, she told you, but after the fact and I seriously doubt it's because she felt guilty. Someone else was going to tell you.

She cheated on you because she wanted to. Did she screw him in your house in your bed? For 6 of your 9 years together, she's been cheating emotionally with another man. Have you seen their messages?

I'm sorry that you are going through this, but you married a liar and a cheater who is deceitful. This was also EASY for her to do with no remourse and no guilt. She has ONLY told you because his wife knows and for your wife to get tested. Did your wife need a prescription?

I know what I would do and I wouldn't stay with her but the choice is yours.


Have you done MC? If not, that's a good start to save your marriage and also individual counseling. I personally think counseling would help you to get through this and then together would help mend your marriage.


Did he ever cut contact with her, or do they still talk? Did he ever realize how bad this hurt you? How did you hold him accountable for it? Sorry, I just needed more information. How is he towards you now?


Why do this to yourself? Whether or not she cheated that night, this is going to be your future. You will never trust her the same way again. You can always ask her, BUT you will probably just get excuses, and she will get really good and careful at hiding everything. Unless she had a craving for a red bull, someone drank it. She hasn't done ANYTHING to reconcile, and she wasn't held accountable for her cheating.


I agree that it's BS. Ask him how he wants to rebuild the relationship by lying or by cheating or by being deceitful. Tell him to find another AP, and then together, they can ruin his new marriage.


Do you really need any more signs? The condoms were hidden and brand new, and some of them were missing. Do yourself a favor before he hurts you more and dump him and take the condoms with you when you leave.

He doesn't want to marry you, BUT would marry his female friend? I think that they are more than friends. IMO, if he marries her, it's not for his passport. How sure are you that he's your BF?


Why are you staying with someone who puts you last? You're not even a side piece. Love yourself more than you love him and walk away now.


He cheated because he wanted to, and the alcohol just made it easier for him to betray you. Alcohol induced or not, if he cared about you, he would have not cheated, and he would have come clean and told you.