
She also left the kid unattended. She knew the kid was alone since you were already gone.

If she didn't want it to drink something she should have stayed. It was just a sip of beer, nothing dramatic.

Honestly, if that's a common theme in your marriage, I'd take him up on the offer and divorce him. Jesus Christ this is exhausting.


That's a red flag imo. You never truly know someone until you have lived a substantial amount of time together and went on a couple of vacations with them.

Marrying someone without having lived together is hugely irresponsible, especially since you have a son who should be your priority.

She thinks living together limits her freedom? Why the fuck does she want to get married then? Doesn't make any sense.

I just use rubbing alcohol and a swab and remove them manually. I don't think soaking the roots will do much.

I love fireworks. New years is one of my favourite days as it's pretty much the only time I get to see them.

Huh? No. I'll walk butt ass naked through the flat sometimes.

Then again I'm not sure what you mean, I don't think I've ever seen that in a movie.

What I'm doing is, lean with my back against a wall, then slowly scoot down a little so that it looks almost like you're sitting on a chair (go as low or high as you are able, it can be exhausting). Then try to press your back and shoulders flatly against the wall - hold it as long as you can and repeat it once or twice a day.

Looks fine to me. Flowers aren't permanent, so they will dry off eventually.

As long as this is your only problem, then there is no problem.

It will bloom again eventually given enough time.

...oh...oh no...

I could have happily lived without this particular piece of information... 😭


Not your kids, not your problem. So what if they'll have a lil puppy love? Are you really going to sexualise children? Even if they're teenagers it's perfectly normal.

I think you need to back off and mind your own business.

I don't know? Get a job, find a place to stay, better start looking right now instead of waiting until you're homeless. It will be way easier when you're still at home.

hes a mommas boy and always will be. he gets married to appease his parents, not because he actually wants to. your life will be miserable if you go through with the wedding, and i think deep down you already know that.

I put way too much value on other people's opinion, was afraid they didn't like me and I thought I had to figure out everything in life at once.

In reality everyone's just winging it and you don't have to be liked and friends with everyone.

You are way too young to take care of a 21 year old baby. You two sound incompatible.

I don't know, this just sounds petty to me, like you are punishing her. That's not healthy behaviour imo. But then again, it sounds like you two are wasting each others time anyways.


What are you doing all day that occassionally cooking a meal that takes a couple of hours to make is too much to ask for?
