What does she expect though? OP to wreck his relationship with his parents because of infidelity in a dead marriage that the parents are fine with?

What, exactly, would kicking up a fuss solve in this situation?

An abusive father beating his poor child in front of thousands live, forever captured in infamy by the camera.

I don't understand why they'd cut his brother off? Like, that very much confuses me.

Unless his brother knows and they'll know he was hiding it, maybe?

"Our marriage was very healthy, too good infact" when it clearly isn't if you're hiding cameras around the house to spy on her.

I'm pretty sure the cameras came after he found out the marriage was no longer very healthy lmao

Already reeks of no trust

I mean, look anyone can SAY they trust someone after an incident like what was described, but seriously everyone knows that's bullshit. You never truly restore the trust. You can mend it, but it'll never be whole again.

50 is the new 18 if you stack enough zeros at the end of a bank account lmao

But yeah, juuuust a little sus there.

Always has been. Theyre founded on the idea of killing all Jews and a single state of Palastine stretching the entirety of the state of Israel and they never struggle with recruitment.

A two state solution, in this current climate, would absolutely fail. It'd just be Israel bombing the ever loving shit out of a nation of Palastine rather than bombing a psuedo-nation-esque Gaza.

The settlements need ended, but just that won't turn deradicalize the Palastinians, nor will giving them a recognized nation.

Oh yeah, and you know she told him "she doesn't love SD, she won't even let her have any of HER sisters ashes".

Ex knows how to play the game. She'll run OP off, to keep OPs husband single. Much easier to get what you want when there's no one to rally behind the husband.

She's using it to drive a wedge between OP and the husband. Wants her out of the picture and knows this will ignite into a huge fight.

I'll get ya $10. I'm flat broke unfortunately and can't really spare much else right now.

Yes, they all fought the Soviets and their Afghan puppet regime. But it's very disingenuous to attribute the entire Mujahideen to Taliban and is usually done by either people with little knowledge of the Soviet-Afghan War or those looking to attempt to absolve the Soviets and paint the entire fault of modern Afghanistan as being the US.

Same with the oil claim. It's normally used by people just looking for a reason to blame the US for their involvement, but it's farcical and not rooted remotely in reality.

Also, they have very poor natural gas reserves as well. like as in .0025% of the worlds proven reserves, roughly 1.25t cubic feet, which is 355x less than what the US has. There was no drive to get their natural gas, because they don't really have any to take.

The only correct thing here is their opium production.

They have roughly 1.6b barrels of oil, that less than half a year of US oil production.

They don't have "huge" oil reserves.

Also, only some of the Mujahadeen, because the Mujahadeen were not a single unified entity but a collection of guerilla groups who were politically fragmented but unified in a cause, became AQ or Taliban.

Many fought to keep the Taliban from taking over, including helping the US during the occupation.

Well, I hope you've at least used this as a learning experience. You definitely don't want to fall into another situation like this again.

Mother provided 2 meat dishes at an after-party.

Going by the life insurance thing, that means she gets walked behind the shed and put down like Ol' Yeller.

Bro....what the hell were you thinking?!

Glad you managed to get free, but holy hell...

The mom had meat at an afterparty, not the wedding itself.

Datson Loonie can't cut a promo if her life depended on it. Outside the Fed, she's really been exposed as a bad talker.


Rounding the home stretch, Pikachu!

Not to steal any thunder from Pikachu, but how's Botamon doing?