Have him do chores. I think you are NTA but he is the age to earn his gifts. It will mean more and you get some things done and hopefully your wife doesn’t feel so weird about it

I guess you should’ve told the manager I wonder what they would’ve done? Ignore it or replace the top layer? I guess you can’t throw away all the chocolate every single time someone puts their hand in it? I’ve never thought about people putting their hands in there. From now on, I’m only gonna buy chocolate that’s individually wrapped if it’s in bulk, he was probably scratching his bare balls

He is not being a good example for your child, It doesn’t sound healthy for your son. I can’t believe this is only one time a year one day that he acts like this and no other day? Be careful who you are making a role model for your child. He sounds like a selfish narcissistic anal baby.

Although I would have loved that Korean food, it sounds amazing. I think you were actually pretty rude. It’s not a big deal if she doesn’t want to eat something that she’s not used to. I don’t think your mom is as fragile as you think she is she probably would’ve understood and let the girl eat some crackers or something. Heck my in-laws used to make a Menudo all the time and I know that most people love it. I do not like it and I do not want to eat it even though it is a big deal on a Sunday and the main dish I think you made a very big deal and we’re very rude to your friend.

I love your little breakfast nook if that’s what it’s called? I know it’s not just for breakfast, but it’s awesome. I think your house is very charming and has a lot of potential. I think it’s so nice though I would not keep the microwave and the coffee maker there if I were you, I would put those elsewhere if you can

Sounds like your girlfriend is nuts that lie would only have spawned more and more lies. I would really worry about a girl that is this comfortable lying

That sucks. This is happened to me. I’m sure you don’t even wanna refund because it was a good price. I have sold many things auction style that I regretted but oh well, it should always be honored I mean, that’s the whole point of bidding on things to try to get treasure for as low as possible. If he doesn’t send it at least give him a bad review.

I say that it is awesome to wait until after the party to have your child open the gifts but just make sure that he sends them a little thank you via text or whatever

Lol, when my son was three or four, he would get very upset and start crying loudly because his 1yr older brother would say out loud what the younger one had been thinking to say or tell me…. It was ridiculous and took me a while to get it through his head his brother was not stealing his thoughts to beat him to the punch 🤣

I don’t know some kids are loud and it sucks but the apartment rents kids what are you gonna do?. I don’t really think you’re gonna be able to do anything. I think you should invest in a house so that you have no upstairs neighbors or a one story apartment You sound a little bit older so maybe you can get into an apartment that does not allow children? A senior community middle-aged area?

Hmmm I’m gonna start measuring my pizza too sometimes I think it’s gonna be a lot bigger and it’s not this was very clever. Make sure you get a refund.

Well, tell him he’s welcome to hit the road Jack within 30 days notice if he has any problem with it with those amenities and that price you would have a better roommate within a week

You might want to start having shower sex she is probably not showering enough. You could soap those up till they smell like strawberries and lavender. just kidding seriously even though it was awkward it’s much better that you told her

Well, it might seem like no big deal to you, but if it’s a big deal to some people or even one person in that meeting who feels more comfortable being with fellow addicts and not with non-addicts or non alcoholics watching them and listening to their stories then I think they should have a right to say that. I’m really sorry that you can’t drive home, but maybe you could find some thing else to do in that short time?

Then YTA why wouldn’t you just send the cleaning bill to him and not the parents? He is an adult. They are not responsible for him.

I was initially thinking it could only be depicting weirdly but sex or some kind of sex that’s going on here and then I looked at it longer and I see that Tigger is just giving poo a massage

Sorry you got such a crappy roommate. None of this looks like your fault at all.